System pairing

I currently have a very mid-fi at best system IMO. I was looking to do a new set up in the spring time and summer after I save up the funds to do so.

I'm just looking for suggestions on the compoents if people feel this would work, or something else I should try in a compoents place.

Turn table-VPI classic with dynavector 20 x cartridge.


Cary 306 professional CDP

Pass Labs X250 or X350

cables would be MIT shotgun series.

speakers I will be using Carver Amazing Silvers

Showing 1 response by nonoise

So the only constant in your system are the Carver Amazing Silvers? Or was that just another choice? Sounds like you've researched this but have yet to hear it.
No real way to tell as reviews are dime a dozen. You have to hear it over the long haul and once you're certain of what you like and what you can part with, so begins the onerous journey. So many grails, so many crusades, so many straw man opinions to come.
What I would do is trade up from your present system, one component at a time.
Since you're into separates, I'd start with the pre amp first. It doesn't have to be expensive to get some really great sound.
Good luck in you endeavors.