T+A PA 3100 HV owners question

I figured I’d get more visibility here but this is a cable question.

Has anyone added an aftermarket 20 amp power cable and noticed a significant or worthwhile difference in sound, and if so, what did you buy?

Not interested in power conditioning.



I am powering a T+A SDV 3100 HV with two Triode Wire Labs "Obsession-Statement Series" (15 amp) cables and have been extremely happy with them.  Reach out to Pete and see what he can do for you.  He is well respected in the industry, charges very reasonable prices, and is easy to work with.  The Obsession isn't listed with a 20 amp option on his website, but tell Pete what you are up to and let him make a recommendation or two.  Good luck!

All: Thanks for the feedback thus far.

@mgrif104 Upper tier Nordost are beyond what I'm willing to spend on a PC, even used. I'll report back on what I land on.

@lldd First time hearing about Triode Wire Labs - they look interesting and reasonably priced.   


@mgrif104 I ended up with a used Voodoo Infinity PC. I was more than a little surprised at the immediately noticeable improvement in dynamic range, detail, air (not sure if that is the right word), and better soundstage/more holographic. Definitely seemed to emphasize but also tighten up bass. Way more impressed than I thought I would be.


Thanks for circling back to let us know what you found. Helpful to all forum participants. I haven’t heard the Voodoo personally, but have read of others having very good experience with them. Congrats!

It’s an extraordinary amp for sure and deserves getting the best out of it.