Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.

Showing 5 responses by bookner

Mike@Talonaudio.com: I'll look forward to hearing the Khorus again in November, perhaps even after I get COMDEX behind me. And if, you want, I can report my view here. Stay tuned.
I've heard the Talon Khorus at some length in the company president's home driven by a fortune in Jeff Roland amps. Yes the bass is fast and tight. And that's it. After everthing I'd heard and read about the speaker I was underwhelmed. I've been in audio for 25 years and so have heard and owned a number of fine systems, some even as a dealer. The Khorus' main fault, in my opinion, is that it doesn't sound stage and doesn't have any dynamic response - it sounds dead. Over it I'd prefer the Dunlavy IVa or V, Wilson Cubs or Watt Puppy 6, Maggy 3.6R, Legacy Whisper, and even Martin Logan ReQuest, or and especially Prodigy which is still less money, and even RBH's top 2 speakers because of better midrange, but not better bass. I think the speaker is over priced by more than double. However, they are beautiful and well made. Sorry to disappoint any Talon owner. I am not now a dealer of any audio equipment and have nothing to gain from this opinion, but hope to offer an honest view in exchange for the many helpful posts I've read here recently.
Carl: The Prodigy is Martin Logan's new $10k speaker that is less seamless between the analogue woofer and the electrostat. RHB isn't over priced. I think it is under priced and so not taken seriously. But their offerings aren't quite high end. My point in mentioning RBH was that I prefer their $1800pr and $3300pr versions' midrange to that of the Talon Korus. Talon beats them in the base though.
Mike at Talon Audio: Thanks for your post. Although you thing my post was “getting personal” and have called me “uncouth” I take no offense, and hope you have taken no offense either. Being personal or offensive was not my intention. Being accurate was. I don’t think that there is anything uncouth about posting my honest opinion on the web, especially when I “shared all the facts” I had. Nothing injurious was intended by the reference in my 9/19 post to an audition in your home. I thought that mentioning that I heard them in your home would merely illustrate that I heard the speakers under fine listening conditions through an excellent system. (I thought your downstairs large listening room was rather good for how wide and very deep it is – essentially a dead back end. It’s an enviable sound room, as is the amplification in your system.) You obviously don’t recall that I called you only after having heard the speakers playing in one of the model homes at a metropolitan are home show. I asked where I could hear them since the local dealer listed on the web site has or had a disconnected telephone number listed. You invited me to your home and it seemed to me like that was a regular occurrence. I didn’t asked for and didn’t think I was getting any special treatment. I accepted the gracious invitation and we made an appointment. At the appointment, I also accepted your encouragement to stay longer for a home theater demonstration. (An impressive one, I might add – better than home theater systems I’ve heard with Wilson Cubs, and in some ways than all Meridian systems.) After an audition of nearly an hour and a half where you guarded the remote control carefully and even played several tracks off CD’s I’d brought, you asked as I was leaving what I thought of the speakers. I was at something of a loss of what to say because, frankly, I had been “under-whelmed” after what I’d read about them. I told you that for 6 months or more I had been actively searching for new speakers and up grading my system and was hoping that my search for speakers might end with Talons. I indicated expressly that I did not think that the Khorus’ sound staged anywhere near as well as the Wilson Watt Puppy 6s, IMO. That they didn’t surprised me since you’d told me that the speaker designer had spent some years working at Wilson Audio before you found him and started Talon Audio. I mentioned the Chesnokov: Spaseniye sodelal by the Turtle Creek Chorale (track 3 of Reference Recording’s Sampler Volume 2 HDCD) and how the choir and hall ambiance didn’t spread out to either side of the speakers or in any degree of depth or height with defined positions of choir members as they did with the Wilson’s and some other speakers. I’ve heard that track and others we listened to through many well thought of speakers recently. I also compared the Khorus’ to the Maggies, questioned the Khorus’ midrange, and praised the bass, especially that of the Talon sub woofer. That was your chance. Why didn’t you tell to me that you had some new cables? (you did indicate that you loved your power cables, by PS Audio, I believe they were, and you kindly offered to loan me one, to which I politely declined since my quest is for speakers right now.) Why didn’t you say that the Marantz was a day old? Or especially why didn’t you tell me that the speakers were not broken in? Honest, until I say your post, I’d assumed they were broken in and that there were no bugs in your systems as you describe in your post above. What else could I expect? Surely the President of the company would have a well oiled pair of the flag ship speakers all broken in, right in his own home. Unfortunately my ears do not have the ability to detect whether or not something is broken in or not, or that components are a day old, or that cable is new, especially if the implication or assumption is that they are. As I was leaving I mentioned, and you encouraged, that I should hear the speakers again. In spite of being disappointed, frankly, in what I’d heard, I said I’d like to hear them again. You mentioned that you’d have a bigger manufacturing facility opening soon that would even have an audition room. I said I’d be happy to have another listen there when that facility opened. And that is still true. You need not “challenge” me to a second audition. Please let me know when and where you have a properly broken in pair and system to audition, hopefully with a good analogue source. (Yes, I still love the big black disks.) Mike, if you’re trying to sell these speakers on patents, reviews, reputation or pedigree of designers and hype, you may have significant success. (The cabinets nearly sell the whole thing themselves. I expect my wife would love them.) But I’ll buy them only if they sound great, and better than anything else within my budget. (Besides hearing Talon’s again, there are a couple of speakers I want to hear yet before I make a final decision.) In conclusion, it appears, all Audiogon readers, that anything I’ve said about the Talon Khorus speakers should be completely discounted. Preston.
Trelja: Which Concident speaker did you buy? I love their interconnects. I'd really like to hear the Mellenium, Total Eclipse and Super Eclipse. I'm surprised you didn't have anything good to say for the Legacy Whisper. What kind of electronics backed them up when you've heard them?