Talon Loudspeakers

Has anybody heard the Talon loudspeakers? Any thoughts? Especially the Talon Peregrine speakers ($6,000). Thanks.
hey (sy)phill(ys) - it's ewe, again, w/more postings offering absolutely *nothing* constructive. ewe say: "Another dimwitted post from my favorite imbecile Carl_eber. Carl, I'm glad that you've listened to every speaker in existence and can tell us that ONLY maggies aren't overpriced. What a moron you are!" ok, (sy)phill(ys), exactly *who's* the moron here? can't ewe READ? carl said: "IMO" - that means *in my opinion*. nothing more, nothing less. too bad the only opinions *ewe* ever have are that those who don't like only the equipment *ewe* own, are idiots/morons/suckers/tin-eared, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. really constructive... doug
Glreno,Be patient the best sound you've ever heard is coming. I'm at 200 hrs. and wonderful.
Carl: The Prodigy is Martin Logan's new $10k speaker that is less seamless between the analogue woofer and the electrostat. RHB isn't over priced. I think it is under priced and so not taken seriously. But their offerings aren't quite high end. My point in mentioning RBH was that I prefer their $1800pr and $3300pr versions' midrange to that of the Talon Korus. Talon beats them in the base though.
I'm still in the planning stages of a speaker project that will use the Dynaudio Esotar midrange, and I feel that this speaker will have better midrange than all the rest. It's an unbelievable driver, and I won't be skimping on the "whole" versus the sum of the parts, either. I won't have these built in the very near future, though. BTW, have a good chuckle on me, if you (like most on here) think speaker hobbyists can't build anything decent. These may be on my future website.
carl, have ewe heard the accuton ceramic drivers? i haven't, but want to - lotsa folks say this is the best midrange driver ever. these are the drivers used in speakers like the kharmas. specs on the accuton drivers indicate they are ~20 times faster than any other conwentional dynamic driver. doug