What's a USB converter?
Small box that converts USB to S/PDIF, AES/EBU, I2S etc.. Have you heard of Off-Ramp, HiFace, Audiophilleo?
Do you mean computer USB out to DAC to pre-amp?
I dont like active preamps. They ruin most audio systems.
I prefer computer to USB converter to DAC to amps or computer to USB DAC to amps.
Why a Mac Mini, and in particular a 2009 version?
Because I have tested other Macs and PCs. 2009 mini seems to deliver the best SQ. Better than 2011 or 2012 mini. Macbook pro is also good. Specific versions of Amarra are excellent with itunes as a player. This is all explained on my forum and webpage.
Will no other PC, Laptop or Netbook work?
Netbooks dont have good USB ports or enough FSB bandwidth. Some PCs are okay, if you use Jplay for the player with Foobar2000 etc.. Even on the Mac Mini, only one specific USB port is excellent. The others are not as good.
Good USB cable is required and common-mode USB filter also helps.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio