Tango Step Up Transformers vs Bob's Sky Blue Cinemag


I am considering getting an SUT and was wondering if anyone could share their experience with the sonic signatures between vintage Tango transformers and Bob's Devices Sky Blue Cinemags.

I realize having the correct step up ratio and optimum loading in relation to your specific cartridge is of utmost importance, but with all things being equal... I'm curious of the sound signatures of each.  The tone, the dynamics, the soundstaging, etc.

Even if you only have experience with only one or the other... any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Best Wishes for great health and happiness to all,
Thank you everyone for your responses so far.  It sounds like I can't really go wrong with either.  Your help and comments are greatly appreciated!

Best Wishes to all,
You might also look at Quadratic by Cinemag.  Quadratic is a division of Cinemag with exclusive access to a new TOTL Cinemag transformer.  I haven't heard it, but I have respect for the designer, an ex-Pass Labs engineer.

I had at onetime or another 2 of Bobs Devices SUT’s.  One was with the red Cinemag transformers and the other was with the blue transformers.  The blue Cinemags were the better of the two, lush sounding.  I only sold them because my McIntosh preamp has moving coil input with cartridge loading on the fly via remote.  Otherwise, I would still own the Bobs Devices blue Cinemag SUT. 
Tried Bob's Sky SUTs.  Sound was good but I preferred the Hashitmoto HM7.  Also, make sure the Sky is wired correctly.  One of mine was not.

Thank you for your post. I have been following this thread with great interest. I am speaking to Sound Tradition and they are recommending Live! MC-907 with a pair of the Hashimoto HM-7 MC step-up transformers, which use the US-made certified 4N OFHC copper wires for its winding for the finest sound quality.

My cartridge has the internal impedance of 6Ω and the output voltage is 0.4mV. They are recommending a calculated output level of 3.16mV with 52 ohms load via x30 setting or if I prefer a heavier load of 209 Ohms, it can be set to the x15 gain with the calculated output level of 3.11mV.

I am still considering other options so let’s see what I end up with.