Evolvist, Well, to be frank there’s no "you’re so full of crap part" I’m sorry you perceive my inquiry and comments this way. Yes I am aware of the obtaining that last 1 % level and this final quest can often be an expensive commitment. All of this is understood. Your Pinto/Cadillac and sports ticket analogies confirm (to me ) you missed my point.
We do agree (I think) that by its very nature judging or determining value, true performance upgrade decisions, getting that final 1% are individually and subjectively rooted. I do believe that generally speaking you get what you have paid for. There are exceptions to this axiom, particularly so in High End audio.
In your case I clearly understand your reasoning and explanation for preferring the Linn over the Lyngdorf, makes perfect sense based on your experience with both. I do not question your choice of the Linn. My only observation is another listener could hear both and choose the Lyngdorf as "their"preference. That simple and nothing more. You could believe that they’re simply fooling themselves yet they may be absolutely genuine in their belief. This is the nature of subjectivity and perception.
Many audiophiles would/could be skeptical and dismissive of Ezra’s finding the Tekton Double Impact SE superior sounding to the "far" more expensive YG Acoustics, Magico and Sonus Faber he has owned. Actually I believe there are those who would flat out reject the very idea and probably question Ezra’s taste and hearing acumen. No way is this possible despite his and teajay’s opinion to the contrary. No way is this possible some would insist vociferously.
One could say that You and Ezra achieved that coveted 1 % in alternative ways. You by spending more for the Linn and Ezra by spending less for the DI SE relative to his more expensive former speakers. In both cases one could conclude, mission accomplished. Both of you are happy and satisfied with your respective choices. There are without question audio products that occupy different levels of a hierarchy. Most often than not you pay the cost of admission to get there.
Sometimes you can get there without paying this higher rate of admission. In Ezra’s situation this seems to be the happy outcome.