The Best , make that the all time best, 6SN7.

In a Hollywood twist ending, it turns out that the best 6SN7 is not a 6SN7 at all, it's a pair of 6J5 / 6J5-G / 6J5-GT, each of which, electronically identical to one half of a 6SN7. You can buy ready made adapters on EBay,
which convert two 6J5's into a single 6SN7. 6J5 + 6J5 = 6SN7. I believe the 6SN7 was created for economic reasons, what could be more economical, then a tube, which can take the place of two tubes?
I also believe that it was a step backwards for high-end audio, because the single triode, per bottle, sounds far better than any 6SN7. You can also buy metal based 6J5-GT, which sound way better than Sylvania's metal base 6SN7's and you can usually find a quad of them, cheaper than you can buy the Sylvania 6SN7 W, metal base
and / or the Sylvania 6SN7 A metal base.
I have two quads which beat by a fairly wide margin, the world's most expensive 6SN7, which currently are,
the Osram / Marconi / B 65, metal base 6SN7. I bought a single because I had to hear it. I then used it to recalibrate 3 tube testers (the single tested dead nuts on an Avo 160 tube tester) then sold it.
I saw a pair of the Osram / Marconi's go for $4,000 on EBay, there are currently to pairs offered at the relatively bargain price of only $3,600 for a pair of 6SN7's.

Happy tube hunting!

To future readers - WS_Trader present the facts not opinion
When making these statements it would be helpful to include a data sheet showing where they are the same.  Here are a few key difference.
Output capacitance on the 6J5 is 3.6pf versus .7pf for the 6sn7.  Lower is better
Power handling for the 6j5 is 2.5 watts versus 3.75 watts per side 6sn7
The 6sn7 tube can handle 4.9vrms input versus 3.2 vrms for the 6j5.

Not the same tube
I am using the 6J5 GT's with excellent results I will never go back to anything else. Adapters can be found on Ebay.
I'm interested in trying the 6J5 family of tubes to replace 6SN7's but am having trouble finding any adaptors?
i always felt the tung-sol round plate dark glass was the best sounding 6SN7  tube.  But I have moved on to DHT designs.
Depends on the application and tube mix.
In my Canary M500 amps Sophia 300b Mesh, RCA 6SN7M was top.
But in my Aesthetix IO it was not....
Post removed 
I did not miss your headline but who included in the  the discussion the 6J5-GT Hel-Lo!!!!
"I like the 6F8G's which require an adapter much better then the 6SN7's but better still are the Marconi BL63's which also require an adapter. Before using the latter, you need to make sure your gear is up to the current demands of this wonderful tube."

Just to to point out the OP was which is the best 6SN7.  Hel-loo!
I like the 6F8G's which require an adapter much better then the 6SN7's but better still are the Marconi BL63's which also require an adapter. Before using the latter, you need to make sure your gear is up to the current demands of this wonderful tube.