The best speakers over 50K

I am curious.  I recently heard a pair of Vandersteen Seven speakers and I thought they sounded as good as any speaker I heard at this price.  Yet, when I look to the various forums where the users discuss the best speakers, I never see these listed.  Am I missing something?
The Charney Audio Concerto Lumaca with AER BD3 drivers $85k.  Full range single driver horns designed on the Tractrix theory. Engaging 3D sound with off the charts imaging, soundstage, highs, mids, and deep articulate bass. The artists are with you in the room. So engaging you get a deeper understanding of the artists intent.
lots of happy Vandersteen 7 owners listening to music. You can see them on my Poverty Bay systems page along w his Model 7 amplifiers.

I love mine and Treo CT in another system.

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enjoy the music
