The best speakers over 50K

I am curious.  I recently heard a pair of Vandersteen Seven speakers and I thought they sounded as good as any speaker I heard at this price.  Yet, when I look to the various forums where the users discuss the best speakers, I never see these listed.  Am I missing something?
lots of happy Vandersteen 7 owners listening to music. You can see them on my Poverty Bay systems page along w his Model 7 amplifiers.

I love mine and Treo CT in another system.

How can I help you ?

enjoy the music



You have Treo CTs AND Sevens! Good God, man. I'm dying for Treos and you went to heaven with Sevens. Congrats. ;)
i’ve liked Vandersteen Sevens every time i’ve heard them at shows. a fine speaker and i think worthy of it’s price tag. i owned a similarly configured speaker, the Evolution Acoustic MM3’s, for 6 years (2006-2012), and maybe slightly preferred them.

since 2012 i’ve owned a twin tower speaker system, the Evolution Acoustic MM7’s, which you can see on my system page. it does cost more than $50k.

when you get into MM7 territory, there are a number of really good speaker systems, but the room and set-up will become the limiting factor. to get the most out of those type speakers is a huge task. you cannot just plunk them down and expect magic. speakers with big very dynamic sound requires a finely tuned room to harness it. therefore; hearing ’mega’ speakers in an audio show only allows for a hint of it’s capabilities.

try and find a mature system with those type speakers to get what they can do. it will take effort to find a system like that to hear. and just because someone owns big expensive speakers does not mean they have them optimized.