The best tweeter design

Been giving some thought on the best tweeter design and I came up with the following list:

1) Plasma
2) Ribbon
3) Horn-loaded
4) Diamond dome
5) Ring radiator
6) Inverted dome

But since 1-3 are hard to implement or expensive most speakers start at #4, at best.

There is no real answer to this question. Asking for the best tweeter without reference to other drivers in the design is like asking what is the best tire without asking what application it would be used in - track, draf racing, off road, wet weather, etc. Like many of you I have heard tweeters utilizing ion, diamond, beryllium, ribbon, silk, paper, aluminum, titanium, etc. I couldn't tell you which is best unless you tell me the type of speaker design it will be implemented in. For example, the Maggie ribbon tweeter, although fast and airy, doesn't integrate well withe planar magnetic driver so I find it difficult to enjoy the music sometimes. However, the ribbon tweeter in an Apogee Diva integrate very well with the midrange ribbon, so in this implentation sound is coherent and example of excellent tweeter implementation. I like prefer the sound of silk domes in most cone designs because they integrate well and sound NATURAL, unlike some ceramic or beryllium tweeters I've heard.
Easy! Plasma tweeters are the best - period. But I am biased :)

Plasma tweeters excite air movement directly, with no mass. The sound is the purest you have ever heard. The only downside is cost.
Diamond cones , ribbons are also fast but directional and dont have the same snap /impact in my opinion .
I would suggest to use diamond cones also for lower freq ,as low as one can go for accurate (freq) response they have very lineair response and very low distortion , but at a cost.
The berylium cones i have not yet had much expirience with
Plasma tweeters excite air movement directly, with no mass. The sound is the purest you have ever heard. The only downside is cost.
Don't forget the health hazards too. :D