It's really disheartening to read these ridiculous conspiracy theory nonsense here. Electric universe? Seriously?
Fyi, mr debunker: Just one point among thousands....Toyota corporation has patents, patents that have been applied for, been evaluated and passed scientific muster...and have been granted..on atomic transmutation. For a good 5 years now. If you want to debunk the ’electric universe’ model, tell us why it is so wrong, in full detail. I was just reading yesterday about time symmetry, or time mirror symmetry.
Where, if you can follow the (dominoes of) logic... in the observations of phenomena (that observation thing again, observation is king!), like the double slit experiment, it tells you all you need to know --- to understand the true nature of ’reality’. While you were sleeping, ’cold fusion’ also went forward. regarding that which is recent and pertains to audio, well, how of many...New model simulates phenomena in a shock wave (they are sort of throwing out naiver stokes and are using a kinetic model) so ...taking 5 cents of book learning/dogma and throwing it at us like a manhole cover of actual science, just won’t cut it here. Better catch up, the world is leaving you behind. |
You appear to have a Tesla fetish. He obviously did early work in X-rays, but anything he did pre-1986 was "claimed" and after the published work of Röntgen. We really don't know what he did, other than his post Röntgen claims as nothing was published. He tended to be a publicity hound. Obviously, he did make some great early photos with x-rays. Still, he has many great inventions, but in terms of advancements of science, but a footnote, with nothing to almost nothing in terms of scientific advances credited to him. In fact, Tesla in many ways was "anti-science". Look at the disdain he had for Einstein and his theories, all well beyond Tesla and almost all proven to be true. Tesla spent much of the end of his life convinced of his brilliance in the pursuit of "wireless power". Being a "tinkerer" as opposed to a hard core scientist, he never spent the time to understand the science up to that point and the science that was available to him (see his disdain for Einstein). Instead of spending a few weeks or months learning the science that would have showed his pursuits were a total folly, he spent years and all his remaining money on a fool's errand and died broke and broken, the victim of his own ego and commensurate declining mental health. |
Tesla went too far, he got to a point where he was so far down the road that others could not understand what he was getting at any more. Your take on his last cycle and ending of his life is not at all what he went through and what it was about. after all, even science/physics is big enough to have it’s own ’dunning-krueger curve’, where the bulk of physics and science is in the middle of the trough ...and those people are insistent on running the show. and they hold the peak of physics discovery back, just like happens in these audio threads. As above, so below. Point is, all contemporary science that is known now, will pass like a painful kidney stone. Or worse. count on it. bet on it. The only true constant is the change.
One can go to physorg and read and read and read and it will never stop, it just keeps on coming and it is moving so fast that the best of us are struggling to keep up. the best of us are falling behind on keeping up with the latest science. it is changing too fast for humans to absorb. The rate of change is going quite non linear. Right now...there is pretty well literally no time to write textbooks before a change comes along that re-writes them, again. No joke. One has to scan the literature daily, these days. |