Knowledge cannot be reduced to science and science cannot be reduced to powerful technologies...Save for materialist limited insight...
Nobody knows what a black hole prediction and indirect observation ULTIMETELY means, for sure save some people here in audio trusting newspapers or the limited "knowledge" of the day and calling Tesla a non scientist and a tinkerer...
Just now there is a complete revolution in science.... Do you know that?
A "tinkerer" in brain imaging analysis, his job, made it ....Try this guy : Karl Friston....He is less intelligent probably than Tesla but way more than the average materialist scientist....
He just demonstrate WHY we cannot understand the consciousness /brain relationship without knowing what is a living system...
His main concept the "Markov blanket" is a fundamental polarity of his theory... Like Goethe disciple of Spinoza...By the way against Descartes he is a Spinoza disciple....
By the way he is one of the most cited scientist in the world in neuroscience and A. I. and in meddeince, biology, psychology and ecology....
The next revolution is here already and it is in BIOLOGY not in physics...
Perhaps before understanding cosmology we must understand what life is ? no? Ernst Schrodinger was thinking so, he even wrote a book about that that sell very well on the library of any scientist...." what is life ? "
Speaking of black hole,perhaps physics is the ass of science and biology the head?
It is not so much that electricity flows cross the universe, perhaps it is information flows that cross the universe like in the living system and in the brain, not only chemicals and electricity ?
With Karl Friston science enter in a post galilean physical paradigm....This is all my own interpretation of Friston by the way....
I will not cite any other "tinkerer" for now....
p.s. Nobody knows what electricity is or black holes ultimetaly....If you know wrote to Nobel in Sweden....
«The history of science is science» Goethe