Fyi, mr debunker:
Just one point among thousands....Toyota corporation has patents, patents that have been applied for, been evaluated and passed scientific muster...and have been granted..on atomic transmutation. For a good 5 years now.
If you want to debunk the ’electric universe’ model, tell us why it is so wrong, in full detail.
I was just reading yesterday about time symmetry, or time mirror symmetry.
A team of physicists at the Universities of Bristol, Vienna, the Balearic Islands and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI-Vienna) has shown how quantum systems can simultaneously evolve along two opposite time arrows—both forward and backward in time.
Where, if you can follow the (dominoes of) logic... in the observations of phenomena (that observation thing again, observation is king!), like the double slit experiment, it tells you all you need to know --- to understand the true nature of ’reality’.
While you were sleeping, ’cold fusion’ also went forward.
regarding that which is recent and pertains to audio, well, how of many...New model simulates phenomena in a shock wave (they are sort of throwing out naiver stokes and are using a kinetic model)
so ...taking 5 cents of book learning/dogma and throwing it at us like a manhole cover of actual science, just won’t cut it here.
Better catch up, the world is leaving you behind.