Your post about the key areas of mathematics needed to create and use Large Language Models (LLM) is a model of clarity. I intuitively found it intelligible and logically organised.
But I see that you used a LLM to create it!
Could I suggest that you feed your future posts through a LLM to assist readers like me to understand what you are trying to get across. But please don’t turn into a cyborg!
I explicitly said that i will use perplexity engine to enumerate more clearly
What maths was involved. Not very high level maths as i already said.
A.I. is a marvel of collective engineering not a marvel of new maths...
I cannot become a robot by the way , my wife said that i had too much defects ...
I said this because most people conflate wisdom with knowledge, knowledge with science, science with technologies, and they put one technology now N.N. LLM above the other technologies as an idol over even wisdom.
Philosophy is not a useless field if we learn that we are not a computing brain at all...
Linguistic is not a useless field if we learn that any language contain the psycho-mechanisms which makes A.I. "intelligent" the only difference is A.I. had access to all the web.
Mathematics is not a useless field if we learn as taught Godel that the core of maths is not computation but interpretation of the created new concept by intuition.
Mystic theology of all religions is not useless if we are able to learn that we are a threefold being : body-soul-spirit, not a computing brain.
Zoology is not a useless field if we can learn why the human body is so special among all others mammals...
Cosmology is not a useless field if we can learn seeing how huge is the cosmos that A.I. more advanced than ours exist already for a long time...
Psychology is not a useless field if we are able to learn how complex is human cultural history as expression of human consciousness differences...
Sociology is not a useless field if we can learn how the multipolar social fabric must be understood by every man, and how it was designed by Bernard Mandeville in 1720 with good intention but for the worst. We must redefine the social threefold fabric. Our society is too immature for A.I. we are ruled by plutocraties and corporations who race for the abyss.
I read Marshall McLuhan in 1970. I learned that any technology modify our gesturing body and the balance of our senses and the way our "sensis communis" which coordinated the plays and the interaction of our senses (synesthesia) modify our perception and our thinking... There is a trade off of advantages and inconvenient with every technology...
I discovered Goethe and i learned that the only thing science can do totally positive is changing ourselves morally, Anyway Goethe never could believe that a scientist who was not of the highest moral standard could know anything deeply.
Today we learn that we are only a computing brain so bad that we will soon be replaced...
Only stupidity can spoke such non sense. I. Q. is not wisdom...
As defined by Cipolla stupidity is the art to cause harm to others with no benefit for ourselves...
Transhumanism is the essence of stupidity, a collective auto destruction, a negation of humanity, nevermind Kurzweil I.Q.