The end of physical media is neigh

Very sad news for me personally.  Honestly this struck me as hard or harder than hearing about the death of a beloved artist.   With the advent of machine learning and AI controlling our music listening we are becoming a world without any control at all over our music or movie culture.


'Physical Media'....a local paper.....the editors welcome comments of all stripes, unless it's just rant 'n rave....there's 'nuff of that....

When you own physical entity: money, house, vinyl or cd, you are free...

When you own nothing but are on the receiving hand side you are not free...

I did not own material music format anymore for convenience...

but the disappearence of all physical support for music or money bother me as a signs of things  to come :


Now listen a 1 minute video :




Not to be argumentative, but... Well sort of. When you "own"... you do not really. You must pay property taxes and maintenance on the house. You become a slave to your stuff in some ways.  If you own physical stuff, then you have to store it, it clutters your life. It really depends on what. When you can have access to over 10 million albums for the monthly price of one CD, then there is more freedom... and virtually no cost. 


Control of all flows ( money,information,people ) by monster corporations

Lost of truth in a virtual world of fictions: how do you know real from fake from events, images, identities ?

Control of "truth" and ministry of "truth" become mandatory and unconscious crowd will ask for it ... Is this ringing a bell ?

I started learning and investing in AI about a year ago and tons of questions like these came to my mind. The conclusion I came to is ... I don't know. And from watching hundreds of videos, I don't think anyone knows how this will all turn out. Even Musk says there's a 10-20% chance it's an existential threat. We're thinking about this from a human perspective, but if we reach ASI we will be ants in comparison. We won't understand how ASI "thinks." So I'm not going to ponder or predict. AI is going to do whatever AI is going to do. We won't stop it and at some point we won't be able to stop it. I just hope it's benevolent.

I saw what can happen in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Now it’s almost 25 years later. All I can say is don’t let AI lock you out of anything.

Guaranteed some Bond Villian will come along and use it for their own evil plan with no regard for others . Could be Elon Musk! Drax? I saw it in the movies…..