The Golden era of Japanese integrated amps, are we missing out?

Maybe it’s just me but.....
I just threw together an el cheapo system with a Sansui A-2100 integrated at its heart and diminutive Wharfedale Diamond 220 speakers.

And I still cannot get over just how good and right it sounds.... All for $240 total shipped!

So this got me thinking about the golden era of Japanese equipment and while tuners , tape decks and turntables appear to have large followings and a large knowledge and fan base, I do not get the same vibe on integrated amps?

Are there devotees of these amps out there?
I very rarely hear anybody talking about them and so many can be picked up for peanuts, I mean $75 shipped in perfect working order and decent cosmetics( and built in mm phono to boot!).
Are they likely to be the next " big thing" or?

Looks like I lucked into a tidy little amp without knowing anything about Sansui at all.

They were not really huge back in the UK, I swore by Trio gear most of the 70,s.

My criteria for buying on eBay was dead simple.

Mm phono input, at least 2 more analog inputs, fully functional and under $100 shipped.

The Sansui was not even my first choice!
An old jvc was but due to terrible packing by the seller it arrived damaged and non working so back that went.

The Sansui was just then the next amp that I saw that fitted my exhausting requirements....😂😂😂
Hey Uber, google search on that model Sansui comes up blank.

Is A-2100 the right model #?
Sorry my fat fingers.
A-2000. Doh!

Now I know it is not from the exact same "golden age" of Sansui amps as some of the ones mentioned here but for $75 shipped I am still deeply impressed.
Besides whether the caps and wiring have been updated and pots cleaned on the old int. amps, the key to how good they can sound is knowing the quality of the power supply. Some of the amps had huge power supplies that enabled very stable current. But, these are what they are - very rarely did anyone ever upgrade power supplies on those babies.
Refurbished a Yamaha M-85.  Amazing amp., and goes well with a re-engineered pair of Altec Lansing Model 19 speakers.