The Luxman L-595A SE integrated is coming.

Luxman is releasing this fall a 95th anniversary integrated. It's style is from the late 1980's. No meters all buttons. Power wise it seems like the same as the 590AXII. World wide 300 of these integrated's will be built. 100 allocated to the US market. Price about $11,495. You can view it on the new Luxman website.
Maybe instead of speculating you should actually talk to a Luxman Rep who can tell you what the difference is.  My buddy is awaiting for his to arrive shortly
The integrated is a direct copy of the 1989 Luxman L-570. It was rated a 50 wpc. But I'm not sure if that is a Class A rating. The 570's in pristine condition seem to run around 3K. Wonder if someone had or has a L-570.
I have to say I love Luxman's aesthetics generally but this one not so much. I'm sure it will sound good though.