Am i the fly over the water,
Or am i the water under the fly ?
The human system has very much a "energy based" existence that interacts very intricately with the known cosmos. It can't be measured with any conventional scientific instrumentation. We can't dissect ya like a toad and get anywhere with it. But, there are many energy points, convergence points, etc...which would all sound nonsensical to the modern self proclaimed scientific genius, for whom nothing is a living experience, for whom nothing has come alive/awakened. Certain types of music from the eastern part of the world were developed with this in mind (with a very deep understanding of the human system) and it can very intricately affect the above mentioned. Such a deeper understanding of the human system can only be developed by looking within...not by being be a haphazard, reactive, outwardly looking, shallow existence. Esoteric knowledge and the methods/framework for knowing have managed to survive/remain intact/retained in its sanctity relatively more in parts of Tibet, China, India, Central Asia, etc. In Europe, anyone who possessed any kind of esoteric knowledge was largely branded as a witch or whatever and burnt alive. In North/Central/South Americas, the European pilgrims ended most of them with such type of knowledge. In Africa, Islam has probably finished em all,,,the ones with such knowing. Mystic knowledge is just a very intricate, advanced "science" that modern dumb science hasn't caught up with yet....All you've got right now is the Damocles/double edged sword (nothing to brag about). AI and bioweapons (modern science!) will probably finish everyone soon enough.. |
I could not have say it better .. Thanks deep_333 |