Holy Grail, End Game, such descriptions are used frequently to describe ultra high end audio gear. Those who are familiar with jays’ audio lab get a steady diet of his latest and greatest. I enjoy jay’s channel, but only for entertainment. The Absoute Sound is routinely criticized by its readers for focusing too much on the ultra high end, but hey, that’s their prerogative, and if you don’t agree, don’t subscribe. Like some have already said, it’s a lot of fun to put together a cost effective system that has the right synergy to egage you with the music. For me, that’s what it’s all about. Big systems do have a big sound which can be quite engaging, I have to admit it, but I have not been moved enough to continue up that path. Back in the day when this hobby was more grassroots, speakers like the Spica TC50 and amplifiers like the Berning EA230 could be combined for a really satisfying sound. I had a pair of Dahlquist DQ10’s and a Luxman L100 integrated amp, and to this day I still think that was a superb sounding combination. The point is, you DON’T necessarily have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to have a good sounding system. You just need to do your homework and trust YOUR ears.