the perfect tonearm

I know that it doesn't exist, but I'm looking for a tonearm retailing less than $2000 that has multiple virtues- easy to setup even for a clod like myself, flexibility eg, VTA on the fly, azimuth and easy anti-skating adjustments and also with a effective mass that allows it to be used with a wide range of cartridges. Oh, and I prefer the classic looking S shaped arms if possible.

Some that are intriguing are Graham 2.2, Jelco 750, SME 3012???
How about the Fidelity Research Arms specifically the FR64fx, and it is a good medium mass tonearm that has outstanding bearings, adjustable VTA, anti-skate, etc.
Great construction and vintage yes
Hi Musicfile, I still own the German magazine 'Das Ohr'
from April 1984 with the first review in Europe of both
tonearms: FR-64s and FR-64fx. Dertonarm mentioned somwhere
the same magazine and stated (if I am right)that the reviwers ware very competent.According to them the FR-64s
was superior in eny 'parameter'. I am familiar with FR-64s,the best 'tracker' I ever owned but not with FR-64fx.
So I hope you can value this information.
My response is based on the OP requirements
The fx is lighter and more suitable across a wide array of carts -both arms are very good which is superior is strictly subjective
Musicfile, yes the FR64fx is definitely on my list. If you ever see one available, please let me know!
Thanks Pat.
The first - super detailed and spiced up with many technical aspects and calculations - test of the FR-64s in Germany was in the 1st edition of HIFi-Exlusive issue 9 september 1980.
This was the one most comprehensive and extensive test ever performed on that tonearm.
I have had all FR-60 tonearms during the last 25 years, have re-wired several and still do use mainly the FR-66s.
But my ongoing love-affair with the FR-64s/66s is well known by now and I am certainly no longer objective.....