The Shortest Time you kept a new piece for ??

Mine: A McIntosh 6850 integrated. Received delivery on Monday, couldn't stand the ''Christmas tree'' look, and unfortunately, it did sound very average ( it replaced a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 amp and SF preamp, tough competition). on Monday, got rid of it 2 days later with a local sale to a happy camper ! Call me impatient!

Showing 1 response by slappy

I had a Denon 3803 i was going to use for my HT, bought it about a month ago, returned it about a week and a half ago.

its not that it sounded bad, its just a fincancial emergency came up, and its easy to return things to large retail stores.

i'll definatly buy another one down the road. for now, im just gonna focus on my newly started 2 channel system