The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same?

I've been talking to my cousin brother about sound quality. He is a self-proclaimed expert audiophile. He says that Audio Science Review has all of the answers I will need regarding audio products.

In particular, he says an inexpensive DAC from any Chinese company will do better than the expensive stuff. He says fancy audio gear is a waste of money because the data is already bit-perfect.  All DAC chips sound the same. Am I being mislead? 

He also said that any DAC over $400 is a waste of money. Convincing marketing is at play here, he says.

He currently owns a Topping L30 headphone amplifier and D30 Pro DAC. He uses Sennheiser HD 569 headphones to listen to music.  I'm not sure what to think of them. I will report my findings after listening one day! (likely soon, once I get some free time)

- Jack 




@lalitk ,

OP is not here for learning. Check his other threads. He is learning from his "cousin brother" who is a self-proclaimed expert audiophile. And he says that fancy audiophile is no good compared to Chinese stuff.

There are these few posters on Audiogon who are actively pushing some agenda here. It is pretty clear from their posting and language. Nothing wrong with that. But don't preach what your "cousin brother" or ASR thinks. Use your senses and then come to senses 😃

Yes, it is now a proven scientific fact, all DACs are exactly the same.

Did this turn into open mike night at the Comedy Club?


Do you use machines to decide whether art is visually pleasing or not?  Do you have machines taste your food for you?  Do they tell you what smells good?

+1 @big_greg 

People should not forget that - machines don't have senses or aren't "alive".  Sad that people needs machines to tell you what you like Vs what you don't. Machines should be used to "make" stuff (like components). But the "experience" should be entirely human. It is almost like saying "the ventilators are precise instruments, while my breathing might not have the precise timing to breath in-out. And hence I would like to be on ventilator".

Just my 2 cents:

Worked with several internationals from India (all very intelligent and well educated) some had family come over from India for a tour of USA and spent a few days at our work site. Joquime introduced his family visitors by name and called them his cousin brothers and cousin sister. When I asked what he meant, he explained that they were in fact his cousins (his father’s brother’s children) but in their culture consider all family other than parents and grand parents, as a brother or a sister - thus their term "Cousin Brother or Cousin Sister, etc.

Before we insult people and expose our own lack of intellect, we might consider that not everyone on this planet shares our same culture or manor of expression.

As far as specs - I use them to get a basic comparison, but still it comes down to good sound (they don’t all sound the same) and a history of reliability and performance........Jim