The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth.

Oh well, 2 out of three ain't bad.
Whiteys on the moon, thanks for that! And we know Jeff and Richard Branson will come back as changed men, the infinitesimal man in the universe thing, mass world improvement right around the corner. Such enlightenment has never been observed. Lets have a parade!
I predict this thread will be gone soon enough, all the nuance of Whitey on the Moon lost by tired old tripes of left vs right. Such enlightenment has never been observed. See, I told you the Bezos and Branson flights would bring about world peace.
Hooray for nonoise!! I'm with you all the way!!

And you are somehow proud of this?
...Bezos 'n Branson 'n Musk...Oh, F....*L*

Step right up....selling world pieces @ disconcerted prices......