@bdp24 @cleeds @dogberry @drkingfish @ericsch @gemoody @lewm @ljgerens @mijostyn @noromance @pindac @rhg3 @rich121 @boothroyd
@duckmanst3 @jasonbourne71 @jm-audiophilemusiclover @jwillox @kennyc
@lloydc @mojo771 @moonwatcher @recklesskelly @richmon @thecarpathian
To All:
I’m back! Or rather, I should state that I will be back!
I just wanted to make those aware that were awaiting my return, that I will be returning. I will be attending to requests and questions very soon. Just a few other matters to attend to, and I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge with whoever is interested. And, to those who had hoped to never hear from me again - "Live with it"!
While away at two distant Hospitals that we were attending to address my wife’s current needs, and, away for a much longer period of time that we were originally anticipating. I had opportunity to reflect on a number of important (and not so important) matters. This period of contemplative time was very beneficial. It also became a wonderful total period because my wife’s status was eventually determined to be very positive and we were both pleased.
During these "contemplative periods", whether I was alone or in a public arena, and, whether I was well, or affected by my medical condition, entailing paralysis and pain - my thoughts kept being invaded by two different lines from two different movies. One was from "Cool Hand Luke" spoken by Paul Newman playing Luke Jack Jackson. And, it was: "What we have here is a failure to communicate" (BANG!). The other is from "A Few Good Men" spoken by Jack Nicholson playing Colonel Nathan Jessup as he shouted in the Courtroom - "You can’t handle the truth". Famous lines for certain in Cinema, however, totally irrelevant to all the things that I was thinking about. It made no sense, until, one day, while in a Public Area at the Hospital, and, unfortunately during one of my cycles that caught me off-guard, creating alarm and concern to others that required explanation and assurances to those around me. Suddenly, a gentleman appeared with another individual and began to speak very loudly. People are normally offended by such mannerism, however, at the time, it was a welcomed distraction for me. He than began to complain about his stupid son who just purchased these giant speakers that cost five times more than what he paid for his first car.
It was at that exact moment that I realized that the forum I initiated in early June was subconsciously revealing itself as a "disturbance", and, that was why these particular movie lines kept interrupting my thoughts. My mind immediately jumped to all the wonderful people who were writing to me regarding my decision to share my knowledge about audio elements, but, they were writing to me using the "Insider" selection of the Audiogon website. I could not understand why! The letters were lengthy and extensive. They were all very complimentary and always encouraging (as if I was to quit). They were very comprehensive, well written with considerable effort expressing their appreciation. I was grateful for all of them and appreciated their concern and gratitude and responded accordingly. BUT, none of these individuals ever stated anything on the forum itself. I noted that many of these individuals had their own Forums and were members for a very considerable time. It was if I was involved in two very different forums that did not have any resemblance to each other, considering what I was contending with on the actual forum with certain individuals.
Self appointed experts who even had the audacity to "correct me" about matters even unrelated to the purpose of the post, but, clearly demonstrating their animosities by making absolute ridiculous statements, such as, discussing Medical degrees at British Universities, specifically Oxford. Correcting me, when I stated, "that the Ch" in "BCh" stands for "Bachelor of Surgery" and not "Bachelor in Chemistry". And state that the "Ch" is in relation to the old Latin terminology. Some Yahoo had to speak out with all the authoritative expertise he could possibly muster, that, the "Ch" is not from Latin, but is French "Chirurgerie" (even mis-spelling the French "Chirurgie" while attempting to correct me, and, if he intended Old French, he got that wrong as well because the correct spelling is "Cirurgie"). And, of all languages to state, he selected French, no less. Absolutely incredible! Also, it never crosses his mind that I may be fluent in several languages, and functional in several others. He also makes no assumption that perhaps this "Wizzzard" guy may have attended one of those 27 Colleges (at that time) at Oxford University that provided Medical degrees but chose to concentrate on Chemistry in it’s stead. upon arrival.
I selected this as my "chosen example", because it is totally unrelated to the concept and objective of the Forum as outlined at the very beginning. And, it is a prime example of one’s "soul" being so vitriolic and overtaken with oppugnant contempt, and, in the process distracting and diverting other potentially interested parties in participating in this forum to ask any pertinent questions. To someone that viewed this forum for the very first time and possibly wishes to ask a question, I can only imagine that person being DRIVEN AWAY from this "Circus Atmosphere", by those already contributing. I think, and I believe, that I would most likely be dissuaded from participating, and move on, after all, who has time for such crap? I would not blame them one bit, because I would most likely obtain the same impression.
I happen to be a very knowledgeable person in some areas, who simply wants to share the valuable information that I possess with others, and that relates to the Audio Sector. I wish to share what I know, but, on a request basis. Rather than selecting what I believe to be significant or important, and then to pontificate about my selection, I would prefer that participants choose what is important to them. I am not qualified to make any contributions regarding electronics. This has already been covered by many experts over the decades.
My intent is to address anyone and everyone who enjoys listening to music, whether it be classical, opera, jazz, folk, popular, or, any other form of music. And, I wish to best utilize their existing collections or recordings to provide the best sounding music possible with what they have. They can be musicians, singers, or creators of recordings, or, simply listeners.
I also am addressing those that are interested in the products that are intended to reproduce music in their listening environments to sound as realistic as possible, and as the artists intended, and to experience the sound as if the artists are in the recipient’s environment. This is nothing new and no different than all other devices and their developers. My input is to maximize some of these same goals with realistic simple scientific technologies that may have been overlooked using previous unaddressed scientific methods, and to accomplish these goals without annoying subsequent distractions.
I am also specifically addressing those who do not wish to be conned by "expensive "gimmicks" and costly "magical materials". Whether your finances are "hard-earned" (as most are), or, if it fell from the heavens. Nobody should be fooled by charlatans. This was the single most specific point that prompted me to start this post. For a few dollars you can make your system sound better.
Some of us are fortunate to be able to afford very expensive equipment, at times, even ridiculously expensive equipment. My spirit lies with those who are not as fortunate to have unlimited disposable incomes, but, those that have moderately priced equipment that can be improved upon easily without spending much money.
I want my forum to appeal to everyone, you do not need to have a post-graduate degree, or a college degree, or, for that matter a high school diploma. You ONLY NEED to LOVE MUSIC and appreciate its’ accurate reproduction.
I posted my multiple degrees and experience not to boast, or to demonstrate arrogance, but, for the mere reason that you become aware that the source of information is coming from a very qualified individual for the very specific reason, that you can have a level of confidence in me and what I post. That was the only, and exclusive reason, for that brief introduction. Otherwise, you could conclude that I am just another "shmuck" with some usual B.S. to spread.
I also wish to explain my remarks with some basic reasoning and explanations. That anyone and everyone can understand. I only request that you have an open mind. Otherwise, I am not failing you, but you are failing yourself by adhering to preconceived notions. This failing aspect has already displayed itself on several occasions I cannot "get to you" if you are not willing to "open the door". So, please do not cling to prior adages and stubbornly refute something that is new to you, or that you may have not heard before. Now, I want everyone to know that I can bury anyone with technical data and technical processes and established fundamentals of reactivity, etc.. And, to such a depth that they can begin to feel the enormous temperatures of the iron core of our planet. I can also destroy any conflicting suppositions by similar means, but "what would be the point"?
I am not submitting a paper to be published in a technical journal that is expected to be peer reviewed, anticipating accolades from Associations, and recognition from the American chemical Society and other Societies. I have written and submitted many of these in the past. Now, I am simply sharing some knowledge that has value and is helpful to those that express interest.
I realized that I had made a mistake and allowed myself to be distracted by those who were only wishing to debate issues. I truly apologize to others and everyone I temporarily neglected. However, do not be mistaken, I will inject myself in certain matters that are incorrect, and perhaps, provide a simple remark in order that it not be mistaken that I am comfortable with incorrect data and statements being made and going unchecked. Also, at times, I may "drift" to some extent because that is my nature, and, it may be more for my benefit rather than yours. You may read these "drifts", or, you may ignore them. For my "drifting" I apologize in advance, consider them a characteristic flaw of an elder!
My new approach was to begin on 4 July 2023, Independence Day, an appropriate date, but, I recently encountered some medical issues of my own that delayed matters. But, I am. Alive! I will not forget people like @gemoody, and I intend to respond in a reverse order. It may sound unusual but, I believe, it will be more efficient and easier for me as well.
Please keep in mind, I can not prevent others who wish to debate each other. I can only point out mistakes and flawed thinking and conclusions.
I would like, and I would wish that this site contains only accurate and verifiable data and information, but, I now realize this too, is an impossibility. And, to think that it started with a simple and straightforward formulation to produce "The Very Best Record Cleaning Formulation". Not anything complicated, just a simple formulation.
I promise to do my best in the coming days, and I hope that you still "respect my intentions" and continue to participate in this Forum as it was intended.
Respectfully yours, "Wizzzard".