Yes Doug, it is called a wife and children. Like you nostalgia audio makes me scratch my head. There are very few instances where older equipment is "better." I can certainly understand if one is building a system on a budget and older used equipment fits the bill at a reasonable price but then some of this equipment now costs more than new.
I know very few audiophiles who are one trick ponies. My best audiophile friend is into cars, cycling all over the world and skiing. On top of all this I am a rather accomplished woodworker, the product of a restless mind. I can not just hang out. Beaches and cruise ships are death traps.
Hi Lou, I had very much the same problem years ago. Most of my friends had the same problem. Then you climb into the realm where equipment starts costing serious money on top of family responsibilities and there is a natural tendency to slow down....until the kids are gone:-) Still, over the years you discover a certain sound you want to hear usually with speakers and once you are there with the best speaker of the type you like, unless there is a huge advance somewhere (very rare with speakers as there has not been any significant new tech in decades) you tend to stay where you are. But, there is all the associated equipment most of it having a distinct life span. I am at the point now were significant equipment upgrades cost five figures and up and the law of diminishing returns sets in. There is also new tech that crops up on occasion and I tend to be an early adapter. A good example is room control. Anyway, my next upgrade is going to be a new projector. The newer laser projectors are a big step forward. The bulbs last 20,000 hours and they are twice as bright. Prices have come down into the almost reasonable range. Nothing like a rock video on a great system!
Keep whoring away but do take time to smell the roses. I hate that saying;-)
I know very few audiophiles who are one trick ponies. My best audiophile friend is into cars, cycling all over the world and skiing. On top of all this I am a rather accomplished woodworker, the product of a restless mind. I can not just hang out. Beaches and cruise ships are death traps.
Hi Lou, I had very much the same problem years ago. Most of my friends had the same problem. Then you climb into the realm where equipment starts costing serious money on top of family responsibilities and there is a natural tendency to slow down....until the kids are gone:-) Still, over the years you discover a certain sound you want to hear usually with speakers and once you are there with the best speaker of the type you like, unless there is a huge advance somewhere (very rare with speakers as there has not been any significant new tech in decades) you tend to stay where you are. But, there is all the associated equipment most of it having a distinct life span. I am at the point now were significant equipment upgrades cost five figures and up and the law of diminishing returns sets in. There is also new tech that crops up on occasion and I tend to be an early adapter. A good example is room control. Anyway, my next upgrade is going to be a new projector. The newer laser projectors are a big step forward. The bulbs last 20,000 hours and they are twice as bright. Prices have come down into the almost reasonable range. Nothing like a rock video on a great system!
Keep whoring away but do take time to smell the roses. I hate that saying;-)