The Wilt Chamberlain of Audio Gear

Forget about having the audio itch, upgraditis, or whatever you want to call it - anyone besides myself ever feel like the Wilt Chamberlain of Audio gear?  My brother always said that I change audio gear more than I change my underwear, but in the last 2 years, the addiction has gotten worse I think.  My name is Lou and I’m an audio whore, and I don’t mind it one bit :)

Anyone else care to share?
Frank, you've got to loose that tweakitis. You waste a lot of money you could be saving for the big improvement in equipment.
lou -- bro you are dating yourself... need to say ’tacko fall of high end audio’ 🤣

i prefer to think of myself as a high end escort of audio more than a hooker or a ’ho - i am only on the uptown street corners -- where tube amps hang out... 🤣🤣

but when times are tough i will stroll downtown and do a class d amp or two... 🤣🤣🤣
Are you saying you have been tough 1000's of amps or speakers, or BOTH?

Remember the Chamberlin vs. Lou Alcindor battles?
I thought you are looking for extremely tall speakers!

Wilt  Vs Russell was the battle.  Seemed like every other week.  Not many teams back then.