Thiel 3.5 verses Thiel 2 2

I know there are many variables involved, but would anyone like to give their opinion on which speaker they feel is the best of the two all around?
Hey Dave, relax big guy...your comment is mean spirited. Not his....peace, warren
David: After looking at your ad, I would not think that the 2 2s (I should not have said 2.2, as Bose sued Thiel over that "point" between the 2s and got Thiel to change the name--sorry, Bose, it won't happen again) would be a substantial improvement over the 3.5s. Updating a crossover, even with the same spec'd parts, is likely to result in a substantially better-performing unit, although you'd obviously be in a better position to know from hearing it. Since you know the sound of the 3.5s, I'd summarize the difference by saying the 2 2 is less spacious-sounding, a little more coherent and a little less bright, with slightly less extended but better quality bass. If your listening biases don't take you below 30-40 hz, it is a better speaker.