I love this thread! Whenever contrasting opinions are expressed (such as on the issue of cables), there is no name-calling or attempts to shout down disagreements.
For guys like Prof and Brayeagle, who have tried a wide range of cables in their systems and ultimately decided not to invest a lot of time and money in expensive cabling, I respect their opinions on what works or doesn't work in their systems. However, for people who have never tried different cables with their gear, it may be worth a listen.
I have never spent more than $400 on any single interconnect or speaker cable so I can't say that I have explored the cable "high end," but I have heard significant differences between the cables I have tried. Some cables were a great match for my system, while some were a bad match.
If you have never had a chance to demo several cables through Thiel speakers in your home system, you might consider borrowing a few cables from a friend or audio dealer - or checking out cables from the lending library at the Cable Company. If you find specific cables that make your system sound more natural and musical, you will be able to move a little closer to audio perfection. On the other hand, if using different cables doesn't positively affect the sound of your system - for your own ears - then you can be happy with what you already have and save yourself a lot of time and money.
This certainly is a fun and interesting hobby!