Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Since the issue of tubes driving Thiels has come up, I want to add a bit of experience.  When I first bought my 3.5's, I used an Audio Research D90, and volume was never a problem.  Later, in a much larger listening space, I used VTL ST-85s, and again volume was not a problem.  I must caution, however, that when I say "not a problem" I am talking about jazz, chamber music, 60's-70's singer-songwriter, etc.  I do not generally listen to hard rock, and while I play fully symphony orchestras I tend to keep the playback at comfortable levels.

I also will relate that when I obtained my 2 2's, for about a year I drove them with a Fisher 202 integrated tube amp putting out 35wpc.  Again in an average size condo living room and at reasonable levels.  (This combo sounded fantastic, btw).

Take this for what it is worth.  But I guess it puts me in the camp of Thiels are okay with tubes.
Nice! work describing phase coherence, time coherence.  Cool diagrams as well.  Happy Listening!
Good to see you again. Thiel speakers are sonic matches for ARC, CJ, PS Audio, VAC and VTL (short-list).  Over on Audio Asylum, owners enjoy Aesthetix, Octave and Rogue Audio w/ Thiel loudspeakers. The Tube camp is well represented.
Happy Listening!
I listen at moderate levels when in the sweet spot, but my listening room is a general media room that opens to the rest of the house.  So I am often blasting the music loud to listen from the rest of the house.  My CJ premier 12s (140w tube) had no problem driving either the 3.7s or 2.7s to house-shaking levels, while sounding clean.
On an aside note, this is why only first order is possible.  A high order filter even with all positive polarity won't be able to produce a proper step response.

Also first order time coherent xover tend to be very complicated which is somewhat counter intuitive.  On the other hand, a 2nd order, 12db roll off xover is fairly simple and no doubt would save a lot in component cost.  I am sure that's part of the reason why most manufacturers are probably shy away from first order filter designs.