Since the issue of tubes driving Thiels has come up, I want to add a bit of experience. When I first bought my 3.5's, I used an Audio Research D90, and volume was never a problem. Later, in a much larger listening space, I used VTL ST-85s, and again volume was not a problem. I must caution, however, that when I say "not a problem" I am talking about jazz, chamber music, 60's-70's singer-songwriter, etc. I do not generally listen to hard rock, and while I play fully symphony orchestras I tend to keep the playback at comfortable levels.
I also will relate that when I obtained my 2 2's, for about a year I drove them with a Fisher 202 integrated tube amp putting out 35wpc. Again in an average size condo living room and at reasonable levels. (This combo sounded fantastic, btw).
Take this for what it is worth. But I guess it puts me in the camp of Thiels are okay with tubes.
I also will relate that when I obtained my 2 2's, for about a year I drove them with a Fisher 202 integrated tube amp putting out 35wpc. Again in an average size condo living room and at reasonable levels. (This combo sounded fantastic, btw).
Take this for what it is worth. But I guess it puts me in the camp of Thiels are okay with tubes.