Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?



Duplicitous? I was just researching and buying equipment. Townshend products stand on their own merits. I've owned Townshend Seismic Sinks for 12+ years so I know about Townshend. And my dealer at the time swears by Townshend. 

Whether or not MC was on Townshend’s payroll or was going to be a dealer rep or whatever, shouldn’t any person considering upgrading any part of their system do due diligence and research? I know that I did. Maybe MC aligned with Townshend in good part that he believes in Townshend products. I don’t think money was MC’s driving factor but I can’t get into his head.

And I am very comfortable in saying that I believe that every Townshend product sold is a great piece of gear.

I think your time might be better spent researching Townshend products yourself. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a (small?)change of heart.


there are some people here that really know their sh**, from the fundamentals to the finer points of design, and are able to provide expert advice without tooting their own horn too much.

Great comment. This has become very evident to me. I listen to them before anyone else. The “self-tooters” tend to stink up the conversations. 

I wish him well and do not miss him.

Time to move on from this bs…..


I do miss him on the forum. I’m a newbie and have been zinged by him but I still appreciate his knowledge and enjoy his humor. As far as the shilling goes it seems a lot of his recommendations are listen and see for yourself not buy this now it’s the best. He leaves it up to us to decide if it’s worth it. 

happy listening !

