Duplicitous? I was just researching and buying equipment. Townshend products stand on their own merits. I've owned Townshend Seismic Sinks for 12+ years so I know about Townshend. And my dealer at the time swears by Townshend.
Whether or not MC was on Townshend’s payroll or was going to be a dealer rep or whatever, shouldn’t any person considering upgrading any part of their system do due diligence and research? I know that I did. Maybe MC aligned with Townshend in good part that he believes in Townshend products. I don’t think money was MC’s driving factor but I can’t get into his head.
And I am very comfortable in saying that I believe that every Townshend product sold is a great piece of gear.
I think your time might be better spent researching Townshend products yourself. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a (small?)change of heart.