Tidal/OPPO streaming issue

I have been streaming Tidal through my oppo 105 for about five years at this point. Last night when I went down stairs to listen to music I got a window pop up on my Ipad screen that said invalid login token. I have never seen this before and could not get logged in no matter what I tried. I have a pair of Bose powered speakers upstairs hook to my computer
 just for non critical audio and could log in and browse/listen no problem. So I know my account is active and paid. Anyone else experience this and if so what was the fix? This is how I listen 90% of the time and almost every night for at least an hour or two. My only hobby/relaxation really. Very frustrating!
Happy to say mine came back as well. When I read it was working I logged in and got connected. Everything looked normal but when I hit play nothing happened. I went thru all the usual things of unplugging the Oppo for reset, removing the app and reinstalling and so on. Still nothing. I went into the Tidal settings and saw it had reverted to normal playback, I set it to HiFi and all is well. I know it makes little sense but it worked, if anyone else is having a similar issue try it.
Well, back to not working.  This time it won’t work with MconnectLite either.  Player connected to internet with 100% signal and says its connected.  MconnectLite doesn’t recognize player.  Oppo Media app recognizes player, but won’t play Tidal.  Tidal is on my IPad, but it won’t connect to the Oppo or even start to play.  Tried a firmware update, but the player says the server is not there.  Looks like Oppo is getting ready to hang a lot of people out to dry.
This is why I decided to buy a Lumin T2. It will be here tomorrow between noon and 4;00. I will let everyone know what I think after a few days.
Working again.  I think I may have found the issue.  I have a Teac NT-505 that is my primary streamer in my main system.  The Oppo is in the basement system.  I had the Teac up and running.  It was connected, but not playing Tidal.  I decided to check on my Oppo and it would not play.  The app recognized the Oppo, and Tidal loaded, but it just would not play.  Today, before I turned on my Teac I decided to try the Oppo.  It worked flawlessly.  Wondering if something disrupts things when both streamers are connected to Tidal.  Anyway, I’ve tried it 2 more times and it works great.  I just make sure my Teac is turned off.
Ok, the Lumin T2 came in yesterday about noon. I have spent some time with it and it does sound very good. I am unimpressed with the playback app. I think I must be missing something as I can only play one selection at a time unless I click on each song on an album to put it in the que. I surly must be overlooking something as this most incontinent. I can't believe this is the way it's intended to work. Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of playback through streaming services? Thanks.
The Lumin app kind of sucks.  If you want to play an album, long press on the title, than a sub menu will pop up giving you the option to play all (an arrow with lines below it).

I've been using BubbleUpNP.  I think it's about 5 bucks for the version without ads.  There's a free version you can try to see if you like it.
@trinhsman I do think there are issues with the network state that cause Tidal to not function. I am running Audirvana-Tidal. I had aabout 2 weeks of issues. I posted on the Audirvana forum and one of the code monkeys told me to change my browser DNS setting to Google's - I did that and the issues were better until yesterday... when I had a heck of a time connecting to Tidal resources again
The Lumin app really takes some getting used to.  Kind of like an IPhone.  Just figure it out.  Anyway, to play a full album, when you find the album, click on the album picture and hold it.  Some icons will appear.  Select the one that has an arrow under the horizontal lines.  That should make the whole album play.  I also select favorites as soon as I can, so I have a long list of favorites.  Then I can go to the favorites and select the tracks icon, and then have music for hours.  
The only thing I can’t get this to do is make a radio station like Pandora or Spotify.  
Best of luck!
I did finally figure it out last night. I was opening the album before I tried to move selection to the play queue. I now know to long tough before moving. Much happier than before. I'll probably love this thing. I have zero issues with the sound quality. I wanted to be able to take advantage of MQA decoding and Qobuz. I'm not sure there is startling difference but I now can at least use them if I want.
i have an Oppo 103 and Tidal is built in.  works well, you just need to find it on the bottom menu and sign in.  what i miss is Spotify which is not supported by OPPO

Like many of you, I felt I needed to bite the bullet and find an alternate way to access Tidal as Oppo is not likely to update its 2015 iOS app. I noticed several posts re the Node 2i, so here’s my experience.

I recently purchased the Node 2i after reading some favorable reviews. It does have a nice iOS app and is very easy to use. I tried it via its own DAC into my amp, as well as sending its digital output via both optical and coax to the Oppo DAC. The sound was always disappointing compared with Tidal directly via Oppo, even though MQA playback was a bit better than 44.1.

After a few days it went back. 

I now have the Pro-Ject Digital Pre S2 DAC. This tiny box is really impressive. I am now playing the Tidal app via my MacBook Pro fed via USB into the S2. The sound on standard 44.1 files is excellent. MQA seems a mixed bag. I find older material (John Coltrane) isn’t really helped much but some new jazz and classical (what I mostly listen to) material is really impressive. DGG’s Beethoven violin concerto with the Munich Philharmonic, and Vijay Iyer’s Its Far From Over were good examples. 

The Project box has a more detailed sound with darker backgrounds than the Oppo. It’s good enough that I am torn on whether it sounds better than the Oppo. Both let me close my eyes and suspend disbelief enough to be drawn into the music (despite being saddled with a computer on my lap as I listen with the S2). So for $500 I found a solution that suits me.

The system I listen through: NAD 375 BEE amp, Vandersteen 2 CE speakers, one Vandersteen 2WQ sub. 

I using OPPO 105. Initially it did not work (pressed play button and the song did not play) and I tried to switch to "hifi" (from "normal") and it worked.