Tidal SQ Issues

Has anyone experienced transient excessive harshness when streaming Tidal?

I'm a "high-res" streaming newbie, and was auditioning a friend's system last week. For the most part, I was really impressed by the quality of what I was hearing. But, a few tracks were accompanied by a discordant brightness that made the track virtually unlistenable. In trying to troubleshoot the root of the problem, I suggested that it might be due to the friend using coaxial rather than usb to connect the streamer to the dac.

Then, later in the week, I experienced the same issue on my own system. That got me thinking that Tidal Max's "better-than-cd-quality" algorithm was overcompensating for something in the original file and introducing some noise into the "up-res'd" version. I wonder, if the same effect would occur if I used their lower quality streams (but, really, why bother?). Going to try Qobuz out to see if it has similar issues.


Umm sorry to burst your bubble but cds pass the limitations of human hearing so nothing is better than a cd in all honesty. Now it all depends on the original recording and mixing which is the most important part

I use Tidal and Qobuz.  No such issues here.  They both sound heavenly, in my room, through my audio system.  As a matter of fact, between the two, my Roon default is Tidal and not Qobuz.  Happy listening. 

@decooney no more MQA on Tidal. It’s all FLAC. I have zero issues with Tidal and I use both Tidal and Qobuz. Sounds great to me as well. 

Well you’re tracking it close enough to start a new thread here. And you don’t remember the recording you were playing. I’ll say it’s probably something you’ve not familiar with and you didn’t care for it enough to remember what it is. If it comes back to you post it here. Otherwise I’ll say it isn’t a significant enough problem to bother and start a new thread here questioning Tidal sound quality. Thoughts?

Played Tidal on 16-bit and 24/192 modes both past three weekends in a row. 

No issues.  I don't use or want MQA. 

@audphile1  Unfortunately, I wasn’t tracking the issue that closely to notice the tracks being played. I’m on the alert now. 

@soix laugh

No do not install MQA. I use Tidal with Aurender N200 and I do not experience anything that resembles what you described. By the way with N10 SPDIF is the right connection. With your N150 you should be using USB. 

Here’s what I would suggesr you do…

1. shut down and power off dac and streamer.

2. Reboot network modem, router, any switches etc

3. Power on dac wait till it boots up

4. Power on aurender

Also can you be specific what tracks you heard with this brightness  artist, album, song?


It seems that we need to install a MQA Core-Decoder upgrade on the Aurender to play the files properly. Ugh.

No, you don’t need to do anything except get Qobuz. 

I'm wondering if the problem is that we stumbled onto some legacy MQA files. Both my friend and I are using Aurender devices (his N10; mine N150), played through Schiit dacs (his, an Yggdrasil; mine a Gungnir). It seems that we need to install a MQA Core-Decoder upgrade on the Aurender to play the files properly. Ugh.

Yeah, try Qobuz.  I thought Tidal was done with cryptic algorithms making recordings sounding “better” after ditching MQA but apparently not.  You’ll probably be happier with Qobuz.