I have removed the speaker cables from the mess by running them straight out of the amp and along the mortar joints in the brickwork, about 4’ off the floor and keeping them in place with a blob of Blue Tak. I took the opportunity to trim them by about 4’ in length while I had them disconnected.
Already the hum from the valve amp has diminished and this was an immediate obvious improvement during listening to music afterwards. The inherent hum is apparently due to the amp being built without negative feedback and using very sensitive speakers according to the designer/builder. Having the speaker cables running through the others obviously contributed to what hum there was.
I also have a Miniwatt valve amp (no hum) that I listen to occasionally and am looking forward to listening to that little beauty at some time after I’ve got used to the improved sound from the present amp after all the tweaking.
If you’re interested, check out the links for the amps builder here in Australia. He hand-winds all his own transformers and the amps are very well regarded down under.
The ICs and USB cable don’t crossover or run within 12" of any other cables so I’ll leave them alone for the moment.
Todays project is to get stuck into the PCs and at least run them in a more tidy fashion if I can.
Thanks for all the explanations and suggestions so far.
Already the hum from the valve amp has diminished and this was an immediate obvious improvement during listening to music afterwards. The inherent hum is apparently due to the amp being built without negative feedback and using very sensitive speakers according to the designer/builder. Having the speaker cables running through the others obviously contributed to what hum there was.
I also have a Miniwatt valve amp (no hum) that I listen to occasionally and am looking forward to listening to that little beauty at some time after I’ve got used to the improved sound from the present amp after all the tweaking.
If you’re interested, check out the links for the amps builder here in Australia. He hand-winds all his own transformers and the amps are very well regarded down under.
The ICs and USB cable don’t crossover or run within 12" of any other cables so I’ll leave them alone for the moment.
Todays project is to get stuck into the PCs and at least run them in a more tidy fashion if I can.
Thanks for all the explanations and suggestions so far.