Tinnitus remedy?

Perhaps we can do our own little study with oxytocin to see how well it works. Anyone else up for it ?

of course to do it for real we'd need a control group...  I.e someone would have to buy the pills and find a placebo that looked the same and send them to participants who didn't know if they were getting the oxy or placebo .  
I'm a life long shooter, the last 5 or 6 years competitively and a definite coffee fiend. No wonder no matter how much dough I throw at this hobby I can't tell the difference!  :  )

I have tinnitus and see no relationship between it and drinking coffee. I stopped drinking coffee about 6 weeks ago, but the tinnitus has not improved. My conclusion is that you can have your  coffee and drink it too.
I suffer from Meniere's Disease which includes episodes of tinnitus.  I sometimes use a Widex Zen hearing aid which includes a feature that helps eliminate the episodic ringing in my left ear.  It's an expensive little gadget, but it works.