To condition or not ?

Hello All,

    In the owners manual for my newly purchased Origin Live Resolution TT they state ; “ Plug the motor pod into a mains plug. We suggest omitting mains conditioners , filters or anything with surge protection as these can be highly detrimental for performance. The aforementioned items inflict no damage so you can experiment with their inclusion if you wish”. Ummm…I’m  confused ? I have an audioquest integra 1200 conditioner. Is there some reason not to use this for the TT? They seem to contradict themselves ? 
Thank You All.


I put my turntable on a separate conditioner given that the motor is fairly noisy.

Plug the motor pod into a mains plug. We suggest omitting mains conditioners , filters or anything with surge protection as these can be highly detrimental for performance

I call BS or poor power supply engineering and/or virtue signaling.

Unless, of course, most power conditioners out there suck.... :D

But the current requirements of that turntable are going to be so minute that a fully regulated supply with an excellent reserve should overcome ANY issues with power conditioners. Why do they think the outside power is going to be much better?

Maybe I should sell a power supply upgrade.... :D

Last, if you live where I live you would never plug anything into the wall without a surge protector.

I put my turntable on a separate conditioner given that the motor is fairly noisy.


Now that’s an idea I support.  I use multiple Furman conditioners and keep the noisy things like TV and Ethernet devices on one, amp/dac on another.


I’d give them a call and ask for more info.

It sure seems like an odd thing to say. We are just going to be taking wild guesses. 

Of course, ultimately it depends on what it sounds like.

My turntable manufacturer recommend not placing vibration devices under it. However, I had a Silent Running Audio Ohio Class vibration platform ($3.5K) made for it and it made a significant improvement. It is easy to understand that their statement was just a generalization. The technology I chose was compatible.

Thank You all for your responses. We have brown outs here in LA during hot summer days and concerned with surges  from power ups. Like the idea of using a separate conditioner (plugged into the 1200) for the TT alone ? Thanks for the idea.

I've only had one experience with a conditioner. It was a PSAudio block, not a power plant. It killed the life of everything. I ended up putting in a 20Amp dedicated circuit.