@Mozartfan ---you found my horn thread from the past and quoted me above. In my quest for speakers I listened to Maggies, Wilson Sonus Faber, Eggleston, Stenheim, Rockport, Focal, Meridien, Joseph Audio, Vivid, Vandersteen, Evolution Acoustic, Tekton, and YG Acoustic before deciding on a horn. I owned Wilson Audio Duette 2's and Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage speakers. I will take my 98db Viking Acoustic Dual Horn speakers over any of them.
Prior to deciding on the GV's, I considered, hORN Universum ( my second choice), JBL, Deja Vu, Aer, Charney, AvanteGarde, BD Design, PureAudioProject and Cessaro.
My system is totally tube driven with Canary Audio Grand Reference 300B mono amps, C1800 Pre-amp and a Lampi Pacific DAC. I could not be happier with my sound and it will get even better when my Lucas Audio LMDS music server arrives. Unless I upgrade ( and I don't see a need to) in the Viking speaker line-up, I will be happy for the rest of my life with my Horn Speakers. An added bonus is that my wife loves the way they look!!!!!