@larryi --
Exactly. As an outset we’d be at least technically enlightened knowing whether a claimed "horn" speaker system is a horn hybrid in a particular variation or a fully horn-loaded ditto - again in one form or another. This makes a difference, certainly upholding a general schism between horn hybrids and fully horn loaded speakers, even when both groups hold a variety of combinatory forms that have sonic implications.
Not that many people have heard all-horn speakers, and the ones that have would usually refer to a Klipsch iteration (i.e.: La Scala’s, Belle’s and Khorn) or in some rarer cases Altec’s VoTT’s - hardly an exhaustive representation, as you point to. The one frequency span that arguably carries the most important imprinting of a speaker’s sound is the "power region," or the upper bass to lower midrange - which is to say some 150 to 650Hz. Horn-loading this frequency range has significant impact in how it differs from a direct radiating solution, certainly when the latter sports smaller drivers below 10-12," lower efficiency at that. When you know, by experience, how this difference pans out you’re keenly aware of making the distinction clear whether low eff. direct radiation or high eff. horn-loading is used in this area. I can only assume that since most refer to horn speakers in a generalizing fashion as outlined above, experience is quite limited.
That sounds like a great set-up. What’s the efficiency range here? My speakers are Electro-Voice’s cinema speaker continuation of Altec’s A10/MR945A:
The term "horn" speaker actually covers a pretty wide range of speaker types. When I think of horn speakers, I usually think of systems with compression midrange drivers attached to a horn waveguide. But, like the Viking speakers mentioned above, the drivers could be conventional drivers with a horn waveguide (a wide range driver in the case of the Viking). I suppose purist would insist that even the bass driver be horn-loaded as well to qualify as a "horn" system.
As with any speaker design, when I say I really like the sound of horn speakers, I am of course speaking about certain horn speakers, not all of them. For one thing, many speakers that are described as horn systems are not particularly efficient and easy to drive, which means that they may not be a great match to the kinds of amplifiers I like which are all low in output power. All systems have some form of tonal coloration, and we all have our preferences/tolerance to particular tonal qualities which makes particular preferences personal. That is why, when someone says they "hate" horn systems, that is not particularly enlightening; it would help to know which particular systems they heard and did not like. The most commonly heard systems, like Klipsch and Altec, hardly represent all horn systems.
Exactly. As an outset we’d be at least technically enlightened knowing whether a claimed "horn" speaker system is a horn hybrid in a particular variation or a fully horn-loaded ditto - again in one form or another. This makes a difference, certainly upholding a general schism between horn hybrids and fully horn loaded speakers, even when both groups hold a variety of combinatory forms that have sonic implications.
Not that many people have heard all-horn speakers, and the ones that have would usually refer to a Klipsch iteration (i.e.: La Scala’s, Belle’s and Khorn) or in some rarer cases Altec’s VoTT’s - hardly an exhaustive representation, as you point to. The one frequency span that arguably carries the most important imprinting of a speaker’s sound is the "power region," or the upper bass to lower midrange - which is to say some 150 to 650Hz. Horn-loading this frequency range has significant impact in how it differs from a direct radiating solution, certainly when the latter sports smaller drivers below 10-12," lower efficiency at that. When you know, by experience, how this difference pans out you’re keenly aware of making the distinction clear whether low eff. direct radiation or high eff. horn-loading is used in this area. I can only assume that since most refer to horn speakers in a generalizing fashion as outlined above, experience is quite limited.
My system if a horn system only in that it has a compression driver and horn waveguide. I run a Western Electric 713b compression driver into a Western Electric 12025 horn. This is one of my absolute favorite midrange driver setup. The woofers are twin 12" alnico magnet paper cone drivers with pleated paper surrounds mounted in an onken bass reflex cabinet. The tweeters are Fostex bullet tweeters.
That sounds like a great set-up. What’s the efficiency range here? My speakers are Electro-Voice’s cinema speaker continuation of Altec’s A10/MR945A: