to rel or not to rel

system super hl 5. usher 718 rel storm 3 belles ref 150 opus 21 player. i bought the rel a month ago cannot say i was really happy with it until i discnnectect one of the leads to the amp and ran it mono you can run both leads to
one side i chose the right because most bass sections are are located stage riright except for cso. if you are a 2 channel person give it a try everything is cleaned up and perhaps the real truth about the wise tale of 2 subs are better is because they are running mono. heck i don't know
anythjing technical. i just think it rids the sound of a imax theatre overblown mog. i will buy another but until than mono is for me.
Do you have a dual mono amp? If so, the wiring for the REL subs in different in these circumstances. With the normally recommended speak-on connection, you end up bridging the two channels so that both speakers are getting both channels. This may result in the problems regarding the clean sound you are reporting.

I have run 2 rel subs and also one rel sub both the way you have it set and also connected to both the right and left channels.