Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay

Acos Lustre GST-801, claim to fame is magnetic stylus force and magnetic anti-skate.

Hopping about, getting ready to pick the rear arm of 2 arm deck. Use for existing Shure 97xe and V15VxMR, both with their dynamic stabilizer brush, and AT440ml (no brush), and NEW Mono Cartridge.

vinyl engine

one for sale, $899. usd

thanks for any insight about it,

I have owned that arm, the 801 is a nice arm if functioning properly. The price is about market, but its not complete. There should be a auxiliary ring counterweight that goes around the regular one, needed if you run heavier cartridges. Also the head shell is not stock. 

But its a fine arm with removable head shell. Its far more affordable than a Fidelity Research or SAEC, and of similar quality. However its a medium/high mass depending on what head shell you run. So its compatible with a lot of cartridges, but not high compliance ones. 

But that price is approaching the cost of a new Audiomods too. 
I owned its cheaper brother - the GST-1. It served me faithfully for 20+ years with various mc cartridges. Excellent build quality and ease of set-up/use! I regret selling it!
3 must have moderate priced tonearm for any of us in my opinion.

It took a while to find a NOS, properly working sample of Lustre GST-801 for my collection (with two counterweights and additional ringweight included), previous used sample was ok, but magnetic drive, anti-skating and armlift were all defective, so make sure you’re buyin’ a working sample and pay attention to that! Normally a perfect samples goes for over $1k. If the price is lower there could be some problems, i paid just about $500 for my ex used sample, but i was happy to pay twice for a NOS later on. I’ve been using a very nice Audio Craft headshells with my Lustre. The rigweight is on, look. There must be a huge and superheavy arm stabilizer from beneath. This tonearm originally silver wired. The VTA on the fly is great, the armpipe is stainless steel. It can be used with various cartridges ONLY if you have Lustre unique counterweights (two of them, different weight) and a ring. Finding any parts separately is almost impossible. 

Lustre 801 is tonearm for MC heavy not for MM medium or high compilance.

Not really, it is very flexible with a choice of cartridges, but as i said to use higher compliance MM one need a lighweight counterweight and lightweight headshell. The stock headshell is very light. 

Two Lustre counterweight looks almost identical, but they are different in weight (look at the manual). 

The arm is fine for Mid Compliance cartridges, on my pictures you can see a very rare Pioneer PC-1000 mkII (MM) cartridge on it. 

To use MC one must add not only a higher mass counterweight, but also a high mass hingweight, then it can be used even for SPU or FR-7f i;ve been using on it too. 

Can you name which cartridges models you use with Epa 100?

Well, actually i upgraded from EPA-100 to the EPA-100 mkII.

On my ex EPA-100 i’ve been using those rare Technics cartridges most of the time. Also the ZYX Airy III and Premium 4D LOMC on LIVE18 headshell for some time too.

When i bought a NOS epa-100 again this year i’ve tried it with my favorite Grace LEVEL II (Sapphire) a cheaper Victor X-1IIe also was very impressive on this arm.

I owned, and used, a  Lustre GST-801 for about 10 years and sold it with the turntable. Wish I had kept the tonearm and ditched the turntable! Great arm when working properly.

Very you find it useful to use the five-position damper on the back of the counterweight?

Are the counterweights of your Epa 100 still sealed or leaking silicon oil?
I have already had an Epa 100 overhauled with the counterweight drawing small traces of silicone oil on the outside.

Very you find it useful to use the five-position damper on the back of the counterweight?

It was a mess to figure out how to assemble all the parts of the counterweight mechanism correctly when i bought my first beaten sample of GST-801. This counterweight is indeed a bit strange, there are rubber washers and a thin metal washer too. Luckily with my NOS sample everything was assembled correctly on the factory.

Are the counterweights of your Epa 100 still sealed or leaking silicon oil?
I have already had an Epa 100 overhauled with the counterweight drawing small traces of silicone oil on the outside.

Owned two samples of the EPA-100 and one EPA-100 mkII i have never seen any leakage from the counterweight. The only problem i have had with my first EPA-100 (after complete rewire with VdH silver cable) was a bad grounding of the arm, i think a person who did s job was not qualified or not tested it, he did some mistakes with a ground wire. The arm itself wasn’t perfectly grounded. So with my next samples i’m pretty much ignored the idea of rewiring, when everything is just perfect i do not want to upgrade anything (my rule number one now).

I have a parts Gst 801. Have the heavier counterweight, a factory head shell, a cloned weight ring made od stainless steel. The wand and cue device are like new. Missing the on the fly base, but have a macined Rega style, and the magnetic vtf pieces were cracked and crumbling. But the hard to find parts are there.
Dear @elliottbnewcombjr: I own the Lustre 801 and as @reubent posted: it's a great tonearm , I can say a top tonearm and outperformed by no one other tonearms I experienced and I experienced ( own,owned and listened. ) more that 20 tonearms.

@neonknight  posted:

"""  Its far more affordable than a Fidelity Research or SAEC, and of similar quality.  """

yes , it's more affordable but not on that " low " quality level but a way way higher quality levels than the SAEC or FR that I owned too and I mean it: the GST-801 outperformas those tonearms easy.

@bestgroove posted:

"""  Lustre 801 is tonearm for MC heavy not for MM medium or high compilance. """

this is untrue too. The 801 makes very good job with any MC/MM cartrio
dges nio matters its compliance. Is very well damped tonearm and beats even the EPA-100 and different than the EPA 100-MK2.

This one comes complete and at really good price, don't miss it: Very rare to find on that good conditions:

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
this is untrue too

Sorry but I have always read the opposite and having never owned it, I report what I have always read about this arm.
 (I have been looking for it in recent years then I had to give up because of the too high costs but I would love to have it)

great find, much thanks.

ok now, everyone stay away from this one, I just made the seller an offer!!!
You'd better ask which counterweight is on this arm (A or B), because he does not have 2nd one (or even a ring). 

Also make sure the magnetic tracking force and anti-skating are working or you will have to use this arm just like a static one. 
Buyer accepted my offer, my dual arm project is coming together very nicely.

Now, which MONO Cartridge for that arm?

I prefer the higher output of Grado ME+. elliptical
5.0mV, weighs 5.5g, compliance ______ ???

Compliance for this Lustre 801 arm?

Joe Grado confirmed ME+’s compliance (he didn’t specify) would be ok with JVC 9-5/8" arm UA-7045. I just wrote and asked him if ME+ compatible with the Lustre 801.

other choice

Ortofon 2 Mono SE, shibata
3.5mv, weighs 7.2g, Compliance, dynamic, lateral - 22 µm/mN

IF I buy that Ortofon, probably have to send the preamp to McIntosh sooner than later.

I need to find some more money hiding under a rock. Maybe I will put a note to myself: "Only entitled to 1 pair of socks when I turn 75 in a few years"!

BTW here is a picture of Lustre counterweight and ringweigh for you. I sold them last year to another a’gon member when i discovered NOS tonearm with same set to keep.

P.S. All grado cartridges are high-ish compliance like 30cu @10Hz

A true mono MM cartridge must have only 2 pins (not 4), the best i've heard so far was Grace F14 MONO. 
I have never bought on usaudiomart or ukaudiomart etc.etc. because I have no way of having protection as on ebay; I would like to know if they are reliable sites with reliable sellers or are there always risks of sellers' cheating?
I have never bought on usaudiomart or ukaudiomart etc.etc. because I have no way of having protection as on ebay; I would like to know if they are reliable sites with reliable sellers or are there always risks of sellers’ cheating?

@best-groove when we have to sell something then the us or uk audiomart is the best source simply because it’s free (no sales charge or listing charge), there are many honest sellers and normally you can see their ebay feedback linked on uk audiomart page + uk audiomart feedbacks too. Normally you can find same stuff listed on ebay just for much higher price than same items from the same sellers on UKAM for example. Normally i’m losing 15% when the item sold on ebay for example (their sales fee is high + paypal fee). I wish they gonna die somehow with such high fees, there must be a better places to list our items. Ebay for the sellers is a rip-off, but good for the buyers. But each buyer can think about 15% off the price if they could only buy direct from the seller (without paypal in between). So each time you’re buying from ebay the price is higher for you, because the seller will add ebay fees in the price.

More important:
The protection you’re talking about if from paypal, not from ebay.
So when you pay invoice via paypal you will automatically get your buyer’s protection, no matter where the stuff is listed.


It is correct what you write, but not everyone uses paypal, there are many especially German sellers who have taken the bad habit of using ebay and only accept bank transfers for payment ... I would never buy anything from them; so why should i buy items on Ukmart or usamart to pay exclusively by bank transfer?

when the purchase is important and a lot of money is required which is honestly earned and very hard-earned, we would all like to be protected on the purchases at least a little.
Best groove
Paypal only adds on about 3%
It is ebay fees set at 10% that are the killer
So total to ebay is 13% of your hard earned money.
Sell same item on USAA and even if they use paypal now you are only down 3%.
Its a no brainer for a seller tbh, I have just sold an item a few minutes ago on USAA and at $208 inc shipping, Paypal fee was $6.30 or so.
On ebay that would have been $26.30!
It is correct what you write, but not everyone uses paypal, there are many especially German sellers who have taken the bad habit of using ebay and only accept bank transfers for payment ... I would never buy anything from them; so why should i buy items on Ukmart or usamart to pay exclusively by bank transfer?

I agree, i would not do that too if i don’t know a person. But at the same time i understand why people ask for IBAN transfer within EU for example, as far as i know IBAN transfer cost almost nothing for a buyer and no fee for a seller. Paypal charge 4-5% depends on the region, they are monopolists, the fee is too much, they are always capitalize on exchange rate etc. I would be happy to find an alternative to paypal that anyone can trust.

I’ll tell you more, i know a record sellers in UK who accept only cash even from an international buyers! They are selling very rare soul record and have been doing it for ages, cash only. I even send a cash (about 150 GBP) in a special envelope by post once to catch some very rare 45, but the reputation of the seller is second to none. My record has arrived, crazy story, i did it once in my life about 15 years ago. Some people just old school (and they don’t want to pay tax i believe). It’s convenient for them. I would prefer to get cash too instead of paying 5% to paypal and another 10% to ebay.

I understand, but if the purchased item arrives broken or no longer arrives, those who bought it remain (in Italian they say "gabbato") completely in their underwear.

I also learned your point of view; to sell everyone would like to save but to buy everyone they would like to have protection for items that are lost or arrive broken.
Best groove
I get your point on being out the money and your description of being left in your underwear is very funny.

Now here in the USA I will not ship anything I sell without full shipping insurance and I demand the same from sellers who are shipping to me.
It can still be a hassle to get your money back in the event of a claim but its better than nothing.
Dear @best-groove  : "  I have always read the opposite and having never owned it, I report what I have always read about this arm.  """

So, you are spreading evbery where a " rumor " but not first hand experiences  . To eaxch his own, you are not a trusty gentleman with that kind of rumor posts.

I always post only first hand experiences.


a true gentleman always tells the truth even if it may not please or is uncomfortable, who is not a gentleman insists on lying.
Dear @elliottbnewcombjr :  The GST-801 is a tonearm balanced design and exist only two balanced tonearm designs that does not " ring like a bell " with the balanced mechanism, the other is the MAX 237/282.

Other balanced tonearm designs as the FR or Ikeda comes with a ringing balanced mechanism ( distortions developed down there. ) because an inapropiated design. So you will be a lucky owner  of that GST-801.

Joe Grado says OK for his Mono Cartridge ME+ with both JVC UA-7045 arm and Acos Lustre GST-801.

"it should work just fine
the compliance of the ME+ is 20cu" 

how do you compute from 20cu to _____ mu/mN???


Testing my skills, especially anti-skating.

I ran test records today,

Stereophile LP ..., Shure V15 torture test LP, ... Denon Demo LP...... I skipped my 4th, whatever it is, it's downstairs.

Anti-Skating test matched my TT dial (I don't trust them) and my ears, that was nice. I'm looking forward to the GST-801's Magnetic force controls.

My Shure 97xe on Audio Technica AT120 arm only hinted at a speck of resonance at 11hz. Tested it with Dynamic Stabilizer in and out, no apparent difference.

Tomorrow I will test the AT440ml, no brush, see how it does.
how do you compute from 20cu to _____ mu/mN???

It's the same
Most important is to know how it was meassured (at 10Hz or at 100Hz)
cu = mu/mn 
Happy New Year Everyone, and thanks again for all your help with this exciting project. 

I will ask Grado what frequency.

I just tested my old AT440ml cartridge. It's wonderful on clean records, toooo noisy on used ones I acquired along the way. 

Maybe I should buy a shibata stylus for my Shure V15Vmx, it has the brush which helps with static, probably why my 97xe with brush is quieter on older LPs.  I'm guessing any Shibata will be the same, wonderful or too noisy.

But first I need to see how these cartridges pass the resonance test with either of my new arms that are coming.

With a digital stylus force guage, rather than Shure's see-saw, it is easy to change head-shells and reset things, and this TT's dinky anti-skate turns out to be accurate.

using these 3 guitars to help evaluate sound, and anti-skate imaging results as well as test records.

This one is awesome also

As always, go from CD to LP, people choose the LP. Go from SS to tubes, people choose the tubes.
Happy New Year!
Grado is American manufacturer, so they are measuring dynamic compliance at 10Hz, but nearly all Japanese manufacturers measuring at 100Hz. 
Ortofon chart, for 20uN/mm:

total mass range 9-25g, ideal around 13g if I read the curve right.

Who knows the Mass of JVC-UA-7082 Arm _____?

Mass of Acos Lustre GST-801 Arm _____?
Neonknight made the right ''pre-condition'' by adding ''if functioning
properly''. I think that its lift is worthless, magnetic functions
unreliable and counterweights inadequate. Long instead of ''short''
such that they can be moved nearer to the pivot. To correct this
the magnetic VTF function should be removed such that the
counterweights can be moved nearer to the pivot. Aka ''manual''
VTF adjustment is better. I ''of course'' prefer FR-64 S. 
found tonearm database

mass of my 2 arms is not there, still looking for their mass ___?

interesting how the null points vary for each arm, I've been using my Shure V15VxMR null template for all my +/- 9" arms. 

I just got this as a gift for Christmas, it has a grid to use that will help get any arm right

it's the thickness of a record which is nice when adjusting
Regarding your Victor UA-7082 you can just remember that an optimal Victor top of the line cartridges designed for use with this arm on stock lightweight headshell are as follows (for example):

1) X-1IIe (MM) own weight is 7.5g, with stock shell, wires and screws it’s about 20 g.

Dynamic Compliance 12cu @ 100Hz (*please note than a compliance @10Hz will be at least 20.5 cu)

2) MC-1 (LOMC) mass 8.7g, with stock shell, wires and screws it’s about 21.2 g.

Dynamic Compliance 8cu @ 100Hz (*please note than a compliance @10Hz will be at least 13.6 cu)

So i think you can use any cartridge on 12g headshell with dynamic compliance from 13cu to 22cu @10Hz according to Victor philosophy. There are low and mid compliance cartridges! For higher mass headshell/cartridge combo with lower compliance cart you need a subweight for the arm.

I don’t think you will find any headshell lighter than 9g for use with higher compliance cartridges.

Buy Hi-Fi TEST LP to measure actual resonance with your own arm/cartridge if you’re so worry about it.

Many online calculators are incorrect, you’d better use a record to check tonearm/cartridge resonance, you will see when they are shaking.

P.S. And stop buying mediocre cartridges if you really want to hear the potential of those tonearms.

I think that its lift is worthless

I've seen two different armlifts made by Lustre for 801 series. So they tried to improve.  

Your right,

This morning I ordered a Jico Shibata for my Shure V15VxMR to get it going again. I've been mad at it due to the brittleness of the stylus I broke years ago. This one is boron, caution will be exercised.

As a test I cleaned a really dirty noisy record last evening, waited till properly dry, it was surprisingly noise free with the AT440ml, I just need to play something in good shape while a really dirty one is drying. 

So I will have those two: Shure shibata with brush, AT microline no brush. Both track 1.25g

Now: UA-7082 arm that is coming: keep Z1S, put a shibata in it, or, new victor cartridge with new shibata?

One of my test records has all the resonance test bands.

Dear @elliotbnewcombjr : You need to make your job because you posted two threads and in one of them ( before in this ) you asked for tonearm effective mass and I gave you the links about and seems to me that you did not read it, go figure ! ! If you don't read your threads posts you are losting valuable information and that's why you are asking here for the second time:


I did see and read your post, (and everyone's) thanks. You have been quite helpful as have others.  I clicked both links, they didn't go directly to something, I hopped around, searched, didn't work out.

This project grew and grew: from 1 longer arm, (presumably use existing cartridges), to big TT, dual arms, then, use one arm for Mono, rearrange the whole system, add new stable legs to the equipment rack, order a tempered glass shelf.

Then do a better job cleaning my dirty lps, add a safety lift, get a new stylus for my Shure cartridge, resurrect my AT440ml, probable stylus/cartridge change on the 7082 when it gets here (TT shipped today from Canada).

this is complicated stuff, there are 3 threads

1. 12" arm???

that thread got me to the large Plinth JVC and to two arms.

2. Compliance/Cartridge for new specific Long Arm JVC 7082? which I bought, and 7045? (which I presumed I would buy).

Along the way I learned the 7082 is kind of heavy for my existing cartridges, so I looked for a lighter arm, found the Acos.

I further learned there is a lot to learn.

3. Acos Lustre GST-801 Arm? Separate thread because people who know about it may not be involved with thread 1 or 2.

Thanks specifically to you finding the one I bought, I got a better, more complete arm and better price.

And, mixed in, which new MONO cartridge? use existing cartridges? new stylus for existing, new stylus for included JVC Z1S?

I am still a novice about compliance and resonance, and 

I found a chart about 7 million arms, the mass of my 2 arms is not listed.

Holidays almost over, my research has been sporadic, people who own these arms know more, so I just got lazy and waited.

to recap, here's what I was confidently able to order after help in the 3 threads:

a. New to me Dual Arm Heavy Plinth JVC TT81 including long arm 7082 with Z1S cartridge, with Din Cable, with power transformer

b. New to me 9" GST-801 arm all parts present, din cable included

c. New Stylus for Shure V15VxMR body (learned about JICO here).

d. New Grado ME+ MONO Cartridge. Learned about 'real mono' here.

e. New full size alignment disc with info to locate any arm/align any cartridge, variations of null points.

f. New record bath with drying rack (drying easily was the missing link for me).

g. New tonearm safety raiser, didn't know they existed.

h. New digital tracking gauge, goodbye Shure See-Saw.

i. improved rack arrangement, new stability, new big glass shelf.

Just waiting to make final decision on Cartridge/Stylus for 7082 arm.

being a bargain hunter, with help here, all that: $2,500.

Let's not forget, agreeably cancelling the TT from Japan, finding one in Canada, having seller repair counterweight arm portion which I learned about here.

I'm real glad I joined this forum.


@elliotbnewcombbjr : Well,you need at least alittle of common sense.In the first link/this one:

appears in the left up side a little " box/squaer " in blue color along a little tonearm picture. You need to make click on that box and there is the calculator.

Here in my country people say: " you want it " peeled " and in your mouth ". ! !


GST801 as mentioned is a fine piece.   I think I may have the original tonearm lift, and that is the weak point in this, which is not a big deal.   The original headshell is not that light mass wise.   Without wires and hardware is 9.2 grams.   Will be a 15 gram or more so if you add up the rest.   As far as the additonal weights those can easily be made in a machine shop if that is holding you back, that is what I did.    Great arm, won't be releasing it anytime soon!
GST801 as mentioned is a fine piece.  I think I may have the original tonearm lift, and that is the weak point in this, which is not a big deal.

Lustre made 2 different versions of the armlift mechanism for GST-801 model, they are completely different from each other. 

  The original headshell is not that light mass wise.  Without wires and hardware is 9.2 grams.  

The exact weight of this Lustre headshell with original silver wires is 10.6g right now on my digital scale. The weight of the screws depends on its length. Two medium size screws are 0.7g. So the total weight of the Lustre shell with leadwires and mounting screws with nuts is about 11.3g and this is still a lightweight for a headshell. I've seen very few headshells with a mass less than 10g (and i have so many different headshells).  

Just waiting to make final decision on Cartridge/Stylus for 7082 arm.

You can’t buy a final cartridge, do not fool yourself :)) LOL
I’m pretty sure you will buy many cartridges in the next years, this is a part of the game for the most of us.

Regarding the digital scale just look for Ortofon DS-1 
Cartridge's can definitely be the ultimate rabbit hole from where there is little hope of seeing daylight again!


I'm excited to have found it, and been given a link to one with all parts at a great price. It will arrive thursday. TT arrives tuesday, I'll try to take my time.

I'll check out the lift, let everyone know it's condition.

Co-incidentally, I have been practicing lowering by hand lately, reacquiring that ability, improving but not consistent yet.


Appearance and Function.

Audio rack supporting this is 23" deep x 47" wide, table height.

3 thick glass shelves, each floating on isolators on 3 bentwood frames, each 4" radius corners. I have a 6" high wood riser/base on top of the top glass shelf that supports my existing single arm TT at a nice working height in front of large picture window. Three audio pieces under that riser/base, just high enough to receive remote control beams.

R2R on separate wood cabinet to the left; Amp and Preamp on separate wood cabinet to the right, Integrated amp just high enough to receive remote beam. Windows behind those 3 stands. Speakers out from the corners either side.

The existing wood base for existing TT is only 16" deep. The dual arm plinth is 20" deep x 22-1/4" wide.

I ordered a 1/4" thick tempered glass shelf 39" w x 20" deep. A tray with heavy house plants goes on the new shelf left of the TT adding weight.

I know how I will add support under the rear edge if needed, but I will see how things stack up first with the glass cantilevered 4" in the back. TT81 weight is in the front, Plants are heavy.

New deeper base is easy if needed, but, for access to rear jacks, I will try leaving the 16" deep base


LOL, famous last words is right.

But after this big step up, I will coast happily for quite a while. Unless what I bought is defective, hopefully not.

I have to fix my friends TT. He has an awesome system. We listened to a new sealed vintage WAR album here, he loved it so much I sent it home with him. He was not happy with it there. He has a Technics 1200 I gave him years ago when I was using my Thorens/SME. He changed the cartridge to a Grado, set up by someone else, I think they did it wrong.

My new alignment disc, new acrylic block with 2mm grid, new digital tracking force guage, his microscope, level, my lifetime supply of screws, washers, shims, brushes ...

And I can bring my headshells to compare to his Grado after I align it for general comparison.

I am in love with the speed of the new digital force gauge, the old Shure see-saw one takes a long time.