1. Every subject has it's contrarian
2. Minutiae abounds in audio
3. Tangential comments can take over a thread
4. There are no absolutes in audio
5. Tvad responds to every post
6. A wicked sense of humor is manadatory
7. Members can spot a shill quickly
8. Spelling is a challenge for many
9. Typing is a challenge for the rest
10. Many wonderful, helpful, generous people are 'Goners
2. Minutiae abounds in audio
3. Tangential comments can take over a thread
4. There are no absolutes in audio
5. Tvad responds to every post
6. A wicked sense of humor is manadatory
7. Members can spot a shill quickly
8. Spelling is a challenge for many
9. Typing is a challenge for the rest
10. Many wonderful, helpful, generous people are 'Goners