Totem Element Metal vs B&W 803d?

Can anyone comment on one vs the other?

I currently own a pair of Von Schweikert Unifield 3 speakers. While I like them and they work in an NYC apartment, I feel like there's just something missing in the low end.

I walked over to Stereo Exchange a few weeks back and took a brief listen to the Totem Element Metal and my first thought was that the sound was "bigger" in every way. I need to go back with some material to do an extended listen and also check out the 803D.

I don't have room for the 802D footprint, so don't recommend that :)

I supposed I'm open to other suggestions, too. Should be a similar footprint to the 2 I mentioned

amp is Pass x250.5
What is your budget? None of those speakers don't sound good to me either. They are well built and awesome but you are looking for more.
I have listened to all three speakers with different amps. I am a former owner of the 803d's. Used them with parasound JC-1s and enjoyed them very much. I never found the tweater to be an issue in my room, but I do enjoy the B&W sound, especially the 803d's. I only sold them to move to Electrostats (ML Summits). I demo'd the cremonas before I bought the 803d's. I found the cremonas to laid back for my taste, not as dynamic as the 803d's. I recently heard the metals and they may replace my Summits. Of course, I heard them on MBL amps. They seemed to fall in between the B&W's and the SF's. Nice tight base with smooth yet precise highs. I enjoyed them. Others opinions may differ.
I don't think Stereo Exchange carries Aerials, but a set of 7T's may be to your liking. (Around $9500 a pair)
I auditioned all of the above and chose the Totem Element Metal. I just love the “big” open sound that those (semi) full-range 8” drivers create. I haven’t found anything else that matches my Pass components so well (XA30.5 and X1). Superb!!