I have to assume(a guess)that the only diff. between the V and the W are the number of coil windings.I and a friend,both,bought the V together.We chose it over the W due to our experience in low vs high output.Low,usually a bit more revealing.In any case,High Fi News and Record Review has chosen this as their top performer,in moving coils.I purchased long after this,BTW.Also,I have to emphasize,again,that best performance is obtained with the body tilted BACK.Viewed from the side(if you have good eyes)the stylus tip should be vertical to the record,in play.Obviously,listening and adjusting,on the fly,will give best results.I spent too much time not really believing this,and wasted alot of listening.
I will not go on,as many have, of their own purchases,about it's superiority over the competition,however, it is an incredible performer.VERY low level detail/dynamics/true timbre of instruments,etc.
As a matter of fact,as I have heard quite a few of the elite cartridges in friends' systems,there really is a fantastic quantity of ABSOLUTE TOP performers out there now.I'll just bet that if there ever was a real cartridge SHOOT OUT,like the old days(of TAS,long gone,sadly),there really would NOT be a clear winner.So many are really GREAT!!
As a point of interest,hopefully,to some of you fellow hobbyists,The latest issue of Hi FI Plus has a fantastic interview with Mr van den Hul.,as well as a review of his latest designs.This interview,in particular,BLEW me away.There is a service to all customers that allows one to indicate what arm,table and general equipment we use,as well as our musical tastes.He then designs each cartridge,through the use of differing materials(platinum/silver/gold/copper coils,as well as body materials and cantilever length)to hand match out with,both the hobbyist's taste as well as arm and table.WOW!!I love this guy.Also,he is the ONLY person that touches your cartridge.No other employees.You can then send the cartridge back,after 200 hrs,for a tune up.No additional charge(though they are not cheap)for any of this hand design.I'm not affiliated,here,and don't own one,but if I were buying new,I'd really seriously consider a COLIBRI/custom.I don't care how good my Tranny is!
He blew me away,by stating that if one owns a large collection of original DECCA's (I DO),he can actually voice the cartridge for these.MAN O MAN!!I have to declare him the Viceroy of Vinyl!!Good luck everyone,and have a great weekend.