TrippLite hospital grade power stripe

Has anyone tried TrippLite hospital grade power strips? Such as ( I was going to build the DIY power center found at Audio Tweaks but in my search for parts I found the TrippLite website and now I'm not sure which way to go. I'd appreciate opinions from the more experienced.

The only thing a Powervar[hospital grade] did in my system was sit there,YMMV,Bob
Suppliers Allied Electric, Newark, and Mouser all carry Wiremold hospital grade power strips. The part numbers are ULM6-15 and ULM4-15 for the 6 and 4 outlet strips respectively.
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I use the wiremold 9 outlet strip. My only issue with it is that the outlets are too close together to allow use of the big round hospital grade plugs - I have to skip every other outlet, so I can only use 5 of the 9.
