TRL Dude Dilemna

Based on all the high praise for the TRL Dude preamp here and other sites, I took a chance and bought one from a local A-goner to see if it could displace an Air Tight ATC-2 preamp currently in my system. The two amps I currently use are a McIntosh MC-402 and Viva 845 SET Monos. It turns out that the Dude is not compatible with either amps due to an impedance mismatch. So I only got to hear the Dude in a compromised performance mode.
I was not quite wanting to give up on the Dude yet given everyone else's enthusiasm about its performance. I am considering the Samson monos as a natural match. I can convince myself that the Samson's could be better than the MC402..My real issue is that I would have to give up the Vivas. Not sure I can make the leap that a solid state amp will satisfy me as much as those SET Vivas. Then there is the leap of faith that I cannot hear the Samsons with purchasing them....
Has anyone replaced their SET amp with Samsons and remained satisfied with the decision? My speakers are the Green Mountain Audio Continuum 3 which are about 90db efficient with an impedance 6.5 Ohms, +/- 0.75 Ohms 150Hz to 20kHz. Thanks for your input..
Agear...yes I am Norwegian...I find myself not consistent in what amplifier I prefer with my current setup (viva and mc402). I find that sometimes the type of music and more so my mood has an impact on what I prefer. If I am in a rock-out kind of mood I may prefer the power of the big mc402). I also have a pair of passive 15 inch Green Mountain subs that I drive with a Crown XTI-2000 amp that has a build in DSP. This lets me run the main speakers full range and bring in the pair of subs at 45-50Hz with whatever crossover slope I want....So I have many system permutations available to me to find that sound that satisfies me at the moment.
Yes Agear, some current SS and hybrid amps sound as you describe in your post. I like Electrocompaniet and my current Aesethix Atlas hybrid amp.

However, remember that these high achieving SS amps will not always sound this way on ALL speakers and in ALL set-ups. On certain speakers they will and on others perhaps not. More to the point is this, what I consider beautiful sounding another will deem boring or dull. The "blows another amp away" feeling is based soley on what we like/prefer as individuals.

I do not think any SS amp sounds like a SET amp however. Some will prefer the sound of well done SS amps with certain speakers, but SS amps don't sound like SET tube amps.

I like the original poster's idea of changing amps to fit his mood. Pull out the Mac 402 when he wants a big, bold, dynamic, loud and warmish sound. Fire up those lovely Viva amps for an intimate musical experience. I can sooooo relate!
That is my point that there are SS amps being made today that can have the SET characteristic sound and the balls of SS so you do not need two amps. The ASR does indeed have both worlds going on and I am sure many more SS amps being built today can do the same.

MC and a HNY to all you right brain SET listeners.

Ho Ho Ho.