In my experience people rarely look after borrowed stuff as well as you’d like them to.
In fact I’d say that some of them can be counted upon to damage whatever you lend them. My youngest brother is like that. He seems to be a serial damager of other people’s property whilst slightly paranoid about his own.
Whether it’s conscious or unconscious damaging is difficult to determine but needless to say, eventually you have to draw the line and say no.
Other people seem to have issues with returning stuff. For whatever reason it becomes increasingly difficult with them to get things back. This behaviour is also quite common as I’ve heard from others who have suffered in this way.
Lending and borrowing also works both ways and can reveal an awful lot about your relationships - sometimes a little too much.
Ultimately though @douglas_schroeder is right. You need to keep a sense of priority. It’s only stuff, and if you don’t know that now, be sure that time will eventually teach you.
Or you could just watch Citizen Kane one more time.
In fact I’d say that some of them can be counted upon to damage whatever you lend them. My youngest brother is like that. He seems to be a serial damager of other people’s property whilst slightly paranoid about his own.
Whether it’s conscious or unconscious damaging is difficult to determine but needless to say, eventually you have to draw the line and say no.
Other people seem to have issues with returning stuff. For whatever reason it becomes increasingly difficult with them to get things back. This behaviour is also quite common as I’ve heard from others who have suffered in this way.
Lending and borrowing also works both ways and can reveal an awful lot about your relationships - sometimes a little too much.
Ultimately though @douglas_schroeder is right. You need to keep a sense of priority. It’s only stuff, and if you don’t know that now, be sure that time will eventually teach you.
Or you could just watch Citizen Kane one more time.