Tube amps have a signature sound

Hi folks, this is a bit controversial issue. We all know that nowadays none of the tube amps exhibits the "typical tube sound" (what is the typical tube sound anyway?). If someone says: tube amps have a signature sound, others would say that this signature sound is not typical to tube amps. Well, imho there is something with many tube amps (pre and poweramps). They sound quite fluid, especially in the midrange. The midrange itself is often a bit bigger and more forward than the typical solid state amplifiers. This midrange has also a certain "natural" quality (harmonic richness?). Of course there are tube amps that sound like solid state and solid state amps that sound like tube amps, but in the end I have to admit that many (or most) tube pre and poweramps have a "signature" sound that is somehow related to implementation of tubes in the circuitry. I think that this is also the reason why some manufacturers prefer tube over solid state circuitries. What do you think?

There are technical reasons why tubes sound different from transistors, usually. Why there is so much controversy surrounding it is a mystery to me when there is plenty of objective reasoning to show they are different animals.

First, the tube is a higher impedance, higher voltage, lower current device than the transistor in almost all cases. This has to alter the design topology and interface between components when dealing with those differences alone.

Second, the triode is a unique device not duplicated in the transistor world in terms of its characteristic curves. There is a tiny but mostly unused and ignored portion of the curve of a FET (JFET, MOSFET, it doesn't matter) called the "triode" region. This is the only place it mimmics the behavior of a triode, and is basically so small an area as to be unusable. The FET is used in the "saturation" or "constant current" region, and mimmics more closely the pentode. A BJT is a current amplifying device that is also different than these others.

The triode has curves that have the following properties: nearly infinite DC impedance in common cathode configuration except for the biasing resistance, and current increases with increased plate voltage over the entire range of operation. Pentodes, like FETs, don't act that way because they go into constant current for increased plate (drain) voltage. In both cases I'm talking about holding the input voltage constant when raising the plate (drain) voltages.

This triode characteristic curve does an interesting service in a typical common cathode amplifer stage: as plate current increases from increased input voltage the plate voltage decreases as any inverting amp stage should, but with the decreasing plate voltage the tube wants to counter that increased plate current. This is local negative feedback built in without even trying.

So the triode typically has lower gain and lower distortion than a pentode or FET that does not have this local negative feedback working on its own.

You can make this triode amp sound more like a transistor amp by applying the same global negative feedback techniques that most of the transistor amps use, and you might like that. But there are limitations: triodes are lower gain and lower bandwidth usually so less NFB can be applied for similar overall gain. Thus you are left with some residual triode sound even if you try to squash its signature distortion.

It's not that there's a frequency response rolloff that accentuates the midrange. That midrange emphasis is more likely a feature of the distortion spectrum of the devices in the midrange compared to the extremes from two likely sources: A loose midbass with lowered NFB and poor PS regulation can produce harmonics into the midrange that decreases with increasing frequency. And then in the highs there is again a decrease in overall NFB which changes the uniformity of this distortion spectrum. The result is a frequency dependent distortion of unique triode-produced distortions, be it considered good or bad.

And while some people claim that distortions are not audible when "linear enough", also realize that in a bottle of wine that contains 14% alcohol and a lot of other complex chemicals, the whole bottle can be ruined by 5 parts per BILLION of the chemical that makes it taste "corked".

There are three kinds of distortions: audibly pleasant, audibly unpleasant, and inaudible. How much is audible of what kind of distortion is very difficult to find out through experimentation since it's almost impossible to alter just one kind of distortion at a time.

What is considered "most accurate" is still a judgment call. Many people say the triode amp sounds "most accurate" when compared overall to live, in most implementations, and I still agree with that. Why? I don't know and I can tell no one else has that down to a solid science yet.

The longer I've lived with tubes, the more I've tried to purchase or modify tube components to eliminate that tubbey midrange bulge that sometimes comes at the cost of sluggish dynamics and mediocre bass control. Somewhat rare is the tube component that sounds clear, neutral, and dynamic, while being faithful to the seductive sound of tubes.

Seasoned, a slightly over-ripe presence region in the VK75SE is not attributable to tubes, but rather to BAT's choice of PIO coupling caps. A good teflon cap in this amp will enhance clarity & neutrality without sacrificing warmth.
I guess it's in the eye of the beholder. I would argue that modern high quality tube amps don't sound colored or have a "signature" compared with solid state which sounds less natural overall.

Solid state tendencies:

-emphasize the leading edge or transient at the expense of decay

-overly etched sound and images that doesn't resemble anything heard in real life.

-a congested or clogged sound (when compared to the best tube amplifiers)

-an inability to resolve the space between the performers, making it sound more like instruments and voices in a black hole

-bass that extends down to DC but sounds overdamped and less natural

Now, all that said, there are some fabulous sounding solid state amps that minimize, to a great extent, all of these shortcomings, but they don't totally eliminate them when compared to the best tube amps.

In fairness, I will also admit that tubes have a couple of weaknesses of there own, but as Atmasphere has pointed out, they are less of a problem because they don't contradict the laws of human hearing.
I don't know, both can sound terrific and it all has to do with the implementation.
I think that the sound is more dependant on the tube character that goes into them. I think tube amps tend to have a signature character rather than sound and that is what has been described here. Characteristics meaning lifelike mids, soundatsge, imaging and soft on the extremes.