Tube Integrated Amp - Help Please

Recently sold my hybrid Rogue Integrated and am now looking for a used tube integrated. I'm using Verity Audio Tamino X2 speakers - 89db (and told by Verity that these speakers are easy to drive and do well with Tube amplification). I listen to different genres but I love the soulful sound of a female jazz singer and classical music featuring the cello (looking for a warm midrange I suppose). I have a small room 15x14 (ugh) and listen at fairly moderate levels. Other gear includes a Hegel HD25dac and a Clearaudio Concept TT (Dynavector 10x5 cartridge). I'll probably buy a separate phono stage so the new Integrated amp does not have to include phono. 

My ear gravitates toward a lush warm sound, nice extended highs and tight bass. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My budget is $4000 and under. Thanks

Considering Rogers EHF-100 MK2 (no local dealers) or Line Magnetic (dealer is about an hour away). If keeping things a little cheaper on the budget, I thought the Sound Antique  AQ1001 Mark II DT or the Rogue Cronus Magnum may fit the bill. 
I also have to give kudos to Primaluna Dialogue Premium. Running mine with KT-120's has increased size of the soundstage and overall speed and smoothness.  My upgraded Reference 3a Veena have never sounded better. I'm done with SS.

Hi Jldouglas,

Your LM 501A  being preferable to the Devialet 200 with Magico speakers is an interesting outcome. It sure goes against common wisdom. Prove again that there's no substitute for actually listening to audio components.


I would also recommed the Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP. I recently sold my Plinius integrated 9200 for this unit and could not be happier with the sound quality. Everything mentioned above about this unit is spot on. My nine year old Dynaudio 140's have never sounded better. Good luck.


I'm with jldouglas
I have the LM Audio 216ia and really Iuv it. But you'd go up a model or two. I had the SET one for a few months and it really was sweet. William

BTW my dealer has given me perfect customer service on the LM Audio